MSc-GP011: V - Spezielle Themen der Geophysik I: Erdbebenanalyse in der Praxis V/Ü
Frederik Tilmann
Additional information / Pre-requisites
Treffen der Geophysik-Studierenden aller Semester am Montag, den 07.10.2019 ab 14:15 Uhr, Raum D144; Der Kurs ist geeignet für Master-Studenten und Doktoranden. Grundkenntnisse in Seismologie (Wellenausbreitung, grundlegendes Verständnis von Erdbeben) sollten vorhanden sein. Vorbesprechung 18.10.2019, 12:30 D144
The aim of this course is to give students an understanding of the practicalities of earthquake analysis together with a deepened understanding of the scientific basis. Topics: Earthquake location, magnitude determination focal mechanisms and moment tensors; ruptures on extended fault planes; strain, stress and energy in the earthquake process. Generally, the scientific basis will first be explained together with practical aspects, and for most topics then practical tasks will complement these.Here, the open source SeisComP program SeisComP ( is utilised, which is used in many operational earthquake observatories worldwide.
1-week 'Blockkurs' with detailed scheduling to be decided based on prospective student availability, typically in the first or second week of the (nominally) lecture-free period after the winter semester.
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