WiSe 24/25  
Earth Sciences  



  • Atmospheric Chemistry

    • 24304201 Lecture
      V - Atmospheric Chemistry (Martijn Schaap, Timothy Butler)
      Schedule: Blockkurs (V+Ü+S) vom 24.02.-05.03.2025, 10-17 Uhr inkl. Pausen. (Class starts on: 2025-02-24)
      Location: 041 Alter Hörsaal (Carl-Heinr.Becker Weg 6-10)
    • 24304211 Seminar
      S - Atmospheric Chemistry (Martijn Schaap, Timothy Butler)
      Schedule: Blockkurs (V+Ü+S) vom 24.02.-05.03.2025, 10-17 Uhr inkl. Pausen. (Class starts on: 2025-03-03)
      Location: Raum 041 Alter Hörsaal / Raum 059 PC-Pool 1
    • 24304202 Practice seminar
      Ü-Atmospheric Chemistry (Martijn Schaap, Timothy Butler)
      Schedule: Blockkurs (V+Ü+S) vom 24.02.-05.03.2025, 10-17 Uhr inkl. Pausen. (Class starts on: 2025-02-24)
      Location: 041 Alter Hörsaal / 059 PC-Pool 1
    • Climate Variability and Models 0339bA1.1
    • Models for Weather and Environment 0339bA1.2
    • Theoretical Meteorology I 0339bA2.1
    • Theoretical Meteorology II 0339bA2.2
    • Weather and Climate Diagnosis 0339bA3.1
    • Extreme Meteorological Events 0339bA3.2
    • Satellite Meteorology 0339bA4.1
    • Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean 0339bB1.2
    • The Middle Atmosphere 0339bB1.3
    • Physical Oceanography 0339bB1.4
    • Statistical Climatology 0339bB1.5
    • Urban Climatology 0339bB1.6
    • Master's Seminar 0339bE1.2
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Subjects A - Z