SoSe 19: Institute of Media and Communication Studies
Core subject Media and Communication Studies (2013 study regulations)
Informations- und Feedbackveranstaltung für BA-Studierende im 2. Fachsemester - B.A. GD et al. Di. 09.04.2019 13-14 Uhr HFB / C (in VL 28550) close
Introduction to Media and Communications Studies (Module A) 0169cA1.1
History and Structures of the Media System (Module A) 0169cA1.2
Methodology: Introduction to Philosophy of Science, Data Collection, Statistics (Module A) 0169cA1.3
Journalism Research and Communication in Organizations 0169cA1.4
Media Effects and the Public (Module A) 0169cA1.5
Media in Practice (Module A) 0169cA1.6