WiSe 19/20  
Biology, Chemis...  

WiSe 19/20: Biology


Liebe Studierende der Masterstudiengänge Biologie und Biodiversität, bei folgenden Kursen des MSc Biologie gibt es noch freie Plätze:

  • 23 411 5 Plätze
  • 23 412 9 Plätze
  • 23 422 3 Plätze
  • 23 450 20 Plätze
sowie aus dem MSc Biodiversität:
  • 23 300 5 Plätze
  • 23 301 2 Plätze
  • 23 304 8 Plätze
  • 23 305 9 Plätze
  • 23 306 10 Plätze
  • 23 308 12 Plätze
  • 24 285 3 Plätze
  • 24 295 5 Plätze

Bei Interesse kommen Sie bitte zum jeweils ersten Kurstag (oder zum Vorbesprechungstermin) und sprechen Sie mit den Dozierenden. close
    • Module outside of the programme 0344bA5.1
    • Current Issues in Freshwater Ecology: Structure, Function and Dynamics (5 CP) 0344cB2.1
    • Topics in Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 0344cB2.2
    • Biology and Pathology of Bees (10 CP) 0344cB2.3
    • Introduction to Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 0344cB2.4
    • Ecology of Plants, Fungi and Micro-organisms (15 CP) 0344cB2.5
    • Current Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (5 CP) 0344cB3.1
    • Introduction to R for Statistical Applications (10 CP) 0344cB3.10
    • Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (15 CP) 0344cB3.11
    • Molecular Physiology of Plant Acclimatisation and Adaption (15 CP) 0344cB3.12
    • Flora and Vegetation of example habitats (10 CP) 0344cB3.2
    • Organisms and their Environment (10 CP) 0344cB3.3
    • Advanced Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (10 CP) 0344cB3.4
    • Current and classic topics in Evolution and Ecology (15 LP) 0344cB3.5
    • Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (15 CP) 0344cB3.6
    • Research topics in Plant Biology in DCPS (5 CP) 0344cB3.7
    • New Trends in Ecological Sciences (5CP) 0344cB3.8
    • Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (5CP) 0344cB3.9
    • Applied Molecular Phylogenetics (Speciation and Relationships) (5 CP) 0344cB1.1
    • Topics in Anatomy and Morphology of Flowering Plants (5 CP) 0344cB1.2
    • Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics (5 CP) 0344cB1.3
    • Collection Management - Curation (5 CP) 0344cB1.4
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Botany (10 CP) 0344cB1.5
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Zoology (10 CP) 0344cB1.6
    • Palaeontology A (15 CP) 0344cB1.7
    • Palaeontology B (15 CP) 0344cB1.8
    • Protozoology (15 CP) 0344cB1.9
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Subjects A - Z