SoSe 16  
Biology, Chemis...  

SoSe 16: Biology


Live-Verteilung: Die Lehrveranstaltungen der Erweiterungsmodule des Masterstudiengangs Biologie werden auf einer Live-Verteilung am 14.04.16 ab 11:00 Uhr im im großen Hörsaal der Königin-Luise-Str. 12-16 statt. Weitere Informationen zur Verteilung finden sie unter: Verteilungen close
Liebe Studierende des Masters Biologie,
auf Grundlage einer Vereinbarung zwischen der Biologie und der Biochemie können Masterstudierende des Msc Biologie Module des Msc Biochemie belegen. In folgenden LV-Kombinationen/Modulen gibt es jeweils einen Platz für einen Biologie-Studierenden. Diese Plätze werden auf der Live-Verteilung für den Msc Biologie verteilt:

216201 a-c Strukturaufklärung von Biomolekülen durch Röntgenkristallo-graphie / Biomolecular X-ray crystallography (10 LP);

216202 a-b Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy/ Quantitative Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (5LP);

216211a-b Biologische NMR-Spektroskopie / Biological NMR Spectroscopy (5 LP);

216212a-b Biophysikalische Methoden / Biophysical methods (5 LP);

216401a-b Protein Engineering (5 LP);

216403a-b Proteinanalytisches Praktikum (Mikrosequenzierung) / Proteinanalysis; Microsequencing practical student course, lecture, seminar (5 LP);

216405 a-b Alternative splicing and protein-RNA-interaction / Alternatives Spleißen und Protein-RNA-Interaktion;

216611a-b Membrane Traffic and Signaling (5 LP)

216621a-b Analyzing musculoskeletal development in vivo / In vivo Analyse des muskuloskeletalen Systems close
Das Anmeldeverfahren für die Forschungsprojekte und Projekte befindet sich in der Umstellung. Sie dürfen diese mit den Betreuern absprechen und durchführen. Aber nicht in Campus Management anmelden. Sobald das Anmeldeverfahren neu geregelt ist, wird es ihnen bekannt gegeben werden. close
  • Palaeontology A (15 CP)

    Verteilung: Die 10 Plätze im Modul werden auf der Live-Verteilung verteilt. Bitte melden sie sich in keinem Fall in Campus Management für die LVen an, da die dortigen Plätze nicht der Biologie zustehen. close
    Module with no course offerings
    • Introduction to R for Statistical Applications (10 CP) 0388bB1.1
    • Protein-Protein Interactions in vivo and in vitro (10 CP) 0388bB2.3
    • Molecular Virology (15 CP) 0388bB2.5
    • Current Topics in Molecular and Cell Biology (5 CP) 0388bB3.1
    • Molecular Plant Genetics (15 CP) 0388bB3.10
    • Special Molecular and Cell Biology (15 CP) 0388bB3.11
    • Methods of Plant Molecular Biology (20 CP) 0388bB3.12
    • Molecular Neurogenetics (20 CP) 0388bB3.13
    • Introduction to Epigenetics I - Epigenetic Mechanisms and their Biological Function (5 CP) 0388bB3.2
    • Introduction to Epigenetics II - Epigenetics and Human Diseases 0388bB3.3
    • Genetically Modified Crop Plants in Research and Agriculture (5 CP) 0388bB3.4
    • Molecular Biology of Plants (10CP) 0388bB3.5
    • In-depth Molecular and Cell Biology 0388bB3.6
    • Molecular Biology of Organelles (15 CP) 0388bB3.7
    • Molecular and Development Biology of Plants (15 CP) 0388bB3.8
    • Molecular Development Genetics of Animals (15 CP) 0388bB3.9
    • Current topics in Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (5 CP) 0388bB4.1
    • Embryonic Development of the Nervous System in Vertebrates (5 CP) 0388bB4.2
    • Development Neurobiology (10 CP) 0388bB4.5
    • Advanced Behavioural Neurogenetics (10 CP)A 0388bB4.6
    • Topics in Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (15 CP) 0388bB4.8
    • Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (15 CP) 0388bB5.15
    • Current and classic topics in Evolution and Ecology (15 LP) 0388bB5.16
    • Applied Molecular Phylogenetics (5 CP) 0388bB5.2
    • Introduction to Molecular Phylogenetics (5 CP) 0388bB5.3
    • New Trends in Ecological Sciences (5CP) 0388bB5.5
    • Current topics in Plant Sciences (5 CP) 0388bB6.1
    • Molecular Physiology of Plant Acclimatisation and Adaption (15 CP) 0388bB6.10
    • Applied Plant Sciences (5 CP) 0388bB6.2
    • Research Topics in Plant Biology in DCPS (5 CP) 0388bB6.4
    • Hormone Biology of Plants (5 CP) 0388bB6.5
    • Applied Bioinformatics of Plants (10 CP) 0388bB6.6
    • Biochemistry and physiology of stress in Plants (15 CP) 0388bB6.9
    • Current Topics in Microbiology (5 CP) 0388bB2.1
    • Biological Safety when dealing with Microbial Pathogens (5 CP) 0388bB2.2
    • Advanced Microbiology (10 CP) 0388bB2.4
    • Topics in Microbiology (15 CP) 0388bB2.6
    • Protozoology (15 CP) 0388bB5.20
    • Modul Allgemeine Biologie VII (20 LP) 0388bB1.8
    • Behavioural Ecology (5 CP) 0388bB4.3
    • Development and Function of Neuronal Circuits (10 CP) 0388bB4.4
    • advanced Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology (10 CP) 0388bB4.7
    • Behavioural Biology (15 CP) 0388bB4.9
    • Current Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (5 CP) 0388bB5.1
    • Introduction to Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 0388bB5.10
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Botany (10 CP) 0388bB5.11
    • Evolution and Biodiversity - Zoology (10 CP) 0388bB5.12
    • Organisms and their Environment (10CP) 0388bB5.13
    • Advanced Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (10CP) 0388bB5.14
    • Ecology of Plants, Fungi and Micro-organisms (15 CP) 0388bB5.17
    • Palaeontology B (15 CP) 0388bB5.19
    • Special Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (15 CP) 0388bB5.21
    • Current topics in Freshwater Ecology: Structure, Function and Dynamics (5CP) 0388bB5.4
    • Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions (5CP) 0388bB5.6
    • Collection Management - Curation (5 CP) 0388bB5.7
    • Selected Methods of Ecological Modelling (10 CP) 0388bB5.8
    • Biology and Pathology of Bees (10 CP) 0388bB5.9
    • Topics in Plant Sciences (15 CP) 0388bB6.11
    • Topics in Anatomy and Morphology of Flowering Plants (5 CP) 0388bB6.3
    • Flora and Vegetation of example habitats (10 CP) 0388bB6.7
    • In-depth Plant Sciences (10 CP) 0388bB6.8
    • Research project Biology (15 CP) 0388bC1.1
    • Research project Microbiology (15 CP) 0388bC1.2
    • Research project Molecular and Cell Biology (15 CP) 0388bC1.3
    • Research project Neurobiology and Behaviour (15 CP) 0388bC1.4
    • Research project Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (15 CP) 0388bC1.5
    • Research project Plant Sciences (15 CP) 0388bC1.6
    • Project Biology (10 CP) 0388bC2.1
    • Project Microbiology (10 CP) 0388bC2.2
    • Project Molecular and Cell Biology (10 CP) 0388bC2.3
    • Project Neurobiology and Behaviour (10 CP) 0388bC2.4
    • Project Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (10 CP) 0388bC2.5
    • Project Plant Sciences (10 CP) 0388bC2.6
    • Module outside of the programme 0388aA5.1
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Subjects A - Z