WiSe 24/25  
Centre for Teac...  
Teacher Educati...  

WiSe 24/25: Teacher Education Courses in Bachelor's programmes

Teacher Education Courses

    • Educational activity in schools 0478aA1.1
    • German as a second language / language development 0478aA1.2
    • Pädagogisches Handeln in der Schule - Praxis 0478aA1.4
    • Introduction to Italian Language Instruction 0478aA2.10
    • Introduction to Religious Studies Education (Catholicism) 0478aA2.11
    • Introduction to the Teaching of Latin Past and Present 0478aA2.12
    • Introduction to Mathematics Education 0478aA2.13
    • Introduction to Physics Education 0478aA2.14
    • Foundations in teaching politics/social studies 0478aA2.15
    • Introduction to Spanish Language Instruction 0478aA2.16
    • Introduction to the Teaching of German 0478aA2.3
    • Introduction to English Language Instruction 0478aA2.4
    • Introduction to Ethics Education 0478aA2.5
    • Introduction to French Language Instruction 0478aA2.6
    • Foundations in teaching history 0478aA2.7
    • Introduction to the Teaching of Ancient Greek Past and Present 0478aA2.8
    • Introduction to Computer Science Education 0478aA2.9
The search term has to be at least three characters long!

Subjects A - Z