WiSe 20/21  
Centre for Teac...  
Education Resea...  

WiSe 20/21: AUSGELAUFEN: Masterstudiengang für das Lehramt an Grundschulen bis 30.09.2022

Education Research

  • Supporting and Motivating Student Learning in Primary Education

    Die Seminare finden online statt. Die Seminarinhalte können Sie sich zeitunabhängig erarbeiten. Ergänzend wird es zu jedem Seminar Studierenden-Arbeitsgruppentreffen geben, bei denen sich die Dozenten dazuschalten. Die Termine hierfür werden vorher zwischen Seminargruppe und Dozent/Dozentin vereinbart und finden zu den angegebenen Seminarzeiten statt. (Die Vorlesung findet online zeitabhängig Mo 10-12 statt!) close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Research Learning Project

    Bei der Anmeldung in Campus Management wählen Sie nur das Projektseminar (z.B. 124202). Die passende Schulpraktikum-Lehrveranstaltung (z.B. 124202a) wird Ihnen vom DSE-Prüfungsbüro nach Ende des Anmeldezeitraum im November in Campus Management eingetragen. close
    Module with no course offerings
    • School Development and Planning 0436aA2.1
    • Elective Module: Analyzing Professional Teaching Relationships 0192bA1.4
    • Elective Module: Special Topics in Language Development and German as Second Language 0192bA1.5
    • Elective Module: Special Topics in Language Development and German as Second Language 0192bA1.6
    • Elective Module: Gender, Diversity, and Sexuality in Teaching 0192bA1.7
    • Elective Module: Primary Education – Educational Processes in Primary Schools 0436aA4.1
    • Evaluating Teaching and Learning 0436aA1.1
    • Version A: School teaching practicals - Design and reflection of education and socialisation processes in primary school 0436aA3.1
    • Option C: Student Teaching Lab - Design of and Reflection on Educational and Socialization Processes in Primary Schools 0436aA3.10
    • Option B: Student Teaching Lab - English 0436aA3.2
    • Option B: Student Teaching Lab - French 0436aA3.3
    • Version B: School teaching practicals - Design and reflection of education and socialisation processes in primary school 0436aA3.4
    • Option A: Student Teaching Lab - English 0436aA3.5
    • Option A: Student Teaching Lab - French 0436aA3.6
    • Version C: School teaching practicals - Design and reflection of education and socialisation processes in primary school 0436aA3.7
    • Option A: Student Teaching Lab - Design of and Reflection on Educational and Socialization Processes in Primary Schools 0436aA3.8
    • Option B: Student Teaching Lab - Design of and Reflection on Educational and Socialization Processes in Primary Schools 0436aA3.9
The search term has to be at least three characters long!

Subjects A - Z