SoSe 23  
Education and P...  
Mathematics - s...  

SoSe 23: Teacher Education

Mathematics - specialisation

  • Mathematics and Mathematics teaching as experience and construction

  • Teaching and Learning Mathematics as Research and Development

  • Mathematical studies for teaching in primary schools

  • Mathematics specialisation 1

    • 19201401 Lecture
      Linear Algebra I (Dirk Peschka)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: A3/Hs 001 Hörsaal (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19202801 Lecture
      Analysis I (Claudia Schillings)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: A3/Hs 001 Hörsaal (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19201402 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Linear Algebra I (Dirk Peschka)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Mi 14:00-16:00, Do 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: A3/SR 119 (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19202802 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Analysis I (Claudia Schillings)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: A6/SR 007/008 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
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