SoSe 14  
Political and S...  
Political Scien...  

SoSe 14: Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science

Political Science (2007 study regulations)

  • Research in Action (Project Course Module)

    Hinweis zu den Projektkursen

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Projektkurs ab dem SoSe 2014 nur noch vierstündig angeboten wird (je nach Wahl der DozentInnen über ein oder zwei Semester). Studierende der alten Studienordnung von 2007 (257a_MA120) belegen bitte zusätzlich ein Methodenseminar aus der neuen Studienordnung von 2013 (257b_MA120) close
    Module with no course offerings
    • (R) Introduction to Political Science 0020bA1.1
    • (R) Methods I 0020bA1.2
    • (R) Methods II 0020bA1.3
    • (R) History of Political Ideas 0020bA2.1
    • (R) Modern Political Theory 0020bA2.2
    • (RE) Legal Foundations of Politics 0020bA2.3
    • (RE) (International) Political Economy 0020bA2.4
    • (R) The Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany 0020bA3.1
    • (R) Comparative Political Systems and Political Domains 0020bA3.2
    • (RE) Political Sociology 0020bA3.3
    • (RE) Regional Policy Analysis 0020bA3.4
    • (R) International Relations: Theory, Empirical Research, and History of the Field 0020bA4.1
    • (RE) International Security Policy 0020bA4.2
    • (RE) European Integration 0020bA4.3
    • (Sp) History of Political Ideas 0020bA5.1
    • (Sp) International Security Policy 0020bA5.10
    • (Sp) European Integration 0020bA5.11
    • (Sp) Modern Political Theory 0020bA5.2
    • (Sp) Legal Foundations of Politics 0020bA5.3
    • (Sp) (International) Political Economy 0020bA5.4
    • (Sp) The Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany 0020bA5.5
    • (Sp) Comparative Political Systems and Political Domains 0020bA5.6
    • (Sp) Political Sociology 0020bA5.7
    • (Sp) Regional Policy Analysis 0020bA5.8
    • (Sp) International Relations: Theory, Empirical Research, and History of the Field 0020bA5.9
    • Political Theory and Foundations of Politics - Core Area 0021cB1.1
    • Politische Systeme - Kernbereich 0021cB1.2
    • Internationale Beziehungen - Kernbereich 0021cB1.3
    • Theoretical, Historical, Legal, and Economic Principles of Politics 0021cB2.2
    • International Relations: Peace and Conflict Studies, Regional Integration (European Union) 0021cB2.5
    • Regional Studies: Comparative Analysis of Political Systems and Political Domains 0257aB1.4
    • Politisches System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 0257aB1.5
    • Gender und Politik 0257aB1.7
    • Applying Academic Skills 0257aB1.8
    • Final Colloquium 0021cE2.1
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Subjects A - Z