WiSe 24/25  
Philosophy and ...  
German and Fren...  

WiSe 24/25: Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures

German and French Literature and Cultural Studies

  • Basic Course in Public Law





    Die Studentinnen und Studenten können die tragenden Staatsprinzipien sowie die Funktionsweisen und Kompetenzen der Staatsorgane sowie die staatlichen Funktionen als Grundlage für das weitere Verständnis des gesamten Öffentlichen Rechts veranschaulichen.


    Das Modul beginnt mit einer Darstellung der Grundlagen des Öffentlichen Rechts und behandelt insoweit vor allem die Begriffe von „Staat“ und „Rechtsordnung“. Den Schwerpunkt bildet die im Anschluss erfolgende Behandlung des Staatsorganisationsrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, dessen Erörterung sich in drei Hauptteile gliedert: Zunächst werden die Staatsstrukturprinzipien (Demokratie, Rechtsstaat, Bundesstaat, Republik und Sozialstaat) und Staatsziele (Umweltschutz und Tierschutz) vermittelt. Daran schließt sich eine Darstellung der Staatsorgane an (Deutscher Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundespräsident, Bundesregierung und Bundesverfassungsgericht). Überdies werden die Staatsfunktionen erörtert, also Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung sowie Rechtsprechung und Gerichtsverfassung.

    Lehr- und Lernformen



    Klausur (90 Minuten)



    Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Übung: ja, Vorlesung: Teilnahme wird empfohlen

    Arbeitsaufwand insgesamt

    150 Stunden
    5 LP

    Dauer des Moduls

    ein Semester

    Häufigkeit des Angebots

    jedes Wintersemester close
    • 091301 Lecture
      Introduction to Public Law (Helmut Aust)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mi 10:00-11:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2024-10-14)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (am 11.11.24 in Hörsaal I)
    • 091302 Practice seminar
      Introduction to Public Law (Helmut Aust)
      Schedule: Mi 11:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2024-10-16)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (Garystr. 35-37)
  • Roman Law and History of European Law





    Durch Auseinandersetzung mit historischen Erscheinungsformen des Rechts können die Studentinnen und Studenten die Kontinuität und den Wandel von Fragestellungen, die Grundlagen der eigenen Rechtsordnung und die Einbettung unseres Rechts in einen europäischen Zusammenhang interpretieren. Durch Vertiefung in der Exegese können die Studentinnen und Studenten zudem kritisch mit den Quellen umgehen und sich wissenschaftlich mit dem Recht beschäftigen.


    Das Modul bietet einen umfassenden, wenn auch kursorischen Einblick in die Europäische Rechtsgeschichte. Schwerpunkte sind das Römisches Recht und die deutsche Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte. Das Römische Recht behandelt die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Rahmenbedingungen des Rechts ebenso wie grundlegende Elemente des römischen Privatrechts einschließlich ihrer Wirkungen auf das geltende Recht und die Rezeptionsgeschichte mit ihren europäischen Folgen. Über die deutsche Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte wird ein punktuell vertiefter Überblick über die Rechtsgeschichte der fränkischen Zeit, im Übrigen ab dem 12. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1990 gegeben. In den Übungen steht die für die Exegese charakteristische Beschäftigung mit den Quellentexten im Vordergrund.

    Lehr- und Lernformen



    Klausur (120 Minuten)



    Pflicht zur regelmäßigen Teilnahme

    Übung: ja, Vorlesung: Teilnahme wird empfohlen

    Arbeitsaufwand insgesamt

    300 Stunden
    10 LP

    Dauer des Moduls

    ein Semester

    Häufigkeit des Angebots

    jedes Wintersemester close
    • 091401 Lecture
      Roman Law (Cosima Möller)
      Schedule: Do 09:30-11:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2024-10-17)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (am 14.11.24 in Hörsaal I)
    • 091402 Practice seminar
      Roman Law (Cosima Möller)
      Schedule: Do 11:15-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2024-10-17)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (am 14.11.24 in Hörsaal I)
    • 091403 Lecture
      European Legal History (Ignacio Enrique Czeguhn)
      Schedule: Mi 08:30-10:00 (Class starts on: 2024-10-16)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (Garystr. 35-37)
    • 091404 Practice seminar
      European Legal History (Ignacio Enrique Czeguhn)
      Schedule: Di 16:00-18:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2024-10-22)
      Location: HFB/Audimax (am 05.11.24 in Hörsaal I)
  • Introductory Module: Arabic

    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    10 CP after completion of Introductory Module Part 1 and Part 2
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: French

    The "Introductory Module: French" comprises 2 parts, each with 4 semester hours per week (SWS), i.e. a total of 8 SWS. 10 credit points are only awarded for the Introductory Module if both parts are successfully completed. It is not possible to receive credit points for the first part only. However, if you have little prior knowledge of the language, so that you can start directly with the second part of the Introductory Module (corresponds to an Intermediate Module 2), 5 credit points will be awarded upon successful completion (with a course load of 4 SWS).

    It is possible to complete the Introductory Module (i.e. parts 1 and 2) within one semester during the period when classes are in session. Intensive courses are offered for this purpose, which are primarily intended for students specializing in the subject, but can also be taken by other students if places are available. The course numbers of these intensive courses are marked with Roman I and II in the course catalog, e.g:

    54742I - Französisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 1. Teil

    54742II - Französisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 2. Teil

    If you wish to complete both parts of the introductory module within one semester during the period when classes are in session, you must register for both parts (I+II). When registering, enter the following course number, for example: 54742I+II. Partial attendance of intensive courses (indicated by Roman I and II) is not possible.

    It is also possible to complete the second part of an Introductory Module separately from the first part in the following semester or during the semester break (if semester break courses are on offer). The corresponding courses are referred to in the course catalog as "Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil / Grundmodul 1" (i.e. part 1) and "Einstiegsmodul 2. Teil / Grundmodul 2" (i.e. part 2). Semester break courses have the additional title "Ferienkurs". close
    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: French

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Arabic

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Italian

    The "Introductory Module: Italian" comprises 2 parts, each with 4 semester hours per week (SWS), i.e. a total of 8 SWS. 10 credit points are only awarded for the Introductory Module if both parts are successfully completed. It is not possible to receive credit points for the first part only. However, if you have little prior knowledge of the language, so that you can start directly with the second part of the Introductory Module (corresponds to an Intermediate Module 2), 5 credit points will be awarded upon successful completion (with a course load of 4 SWS).

    It is possible to complete the Introductory Module (i.e. parts 1 and 2) within one semester during the period when classes are in session. Intensive courses are offered for this purpose, which are primarily intended for students specializing in the subject, but can also be taken by other students if places are available. The course numbers of these intensive courses are marked with Roman I and II in the course catalog, e.g:

    54310I - Italienisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 1. Teil

    54310II - Italienisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 2. Teil

    If you wish to complete both parts of the introductory module within one semester during the period when classes are in session, you must register for both parts (I+II). When registering, enter the following course number, for example: 54310I+II. Partial attendance of intensive courses (indicated by Roman I and II) is not possible.

    It is also possible to complete the second part of an Introductory Module separately from the first part in the following semester or during the semester break (if semester break courses are on offer). The corresponding courses are referred to in the course catalog as "Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil / Grundmodul 1" (i.e. part 1) and "Einstiegsmodul 2. Teil / Grundmodul 2" (i.e. part 2). Semester break courses have the additional title "Ferienkurs". close
    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Italian

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Polish

    10 CP after completion of Introductory Module Part 1 and Part 2
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Polish

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Portuguese

    The "Introductory Module: Portuguese" comprises 2 parts, each with 4 semester hours per week (SWS), i.e. a total of 8 SWS. 10 credit points are only awarded for the Introductory Module if both parts are successfully completed. It is not possible to receive credit points for the first part only. However, if you have little prior knowledge of the language, so that you can start directly with the second part of the Introductory Module (corresponds to an Intermediate Module 2), 5 credit points will be awarded upon successful completion (with a course load of 4 SWS).

    It is possible to complete the Introductory Module (i.e. parts 1 and 2) within one semester during the period when classes are in session. Intensive courses are offered for this purpose, which are primarily intended for students specializing in the subject, but can also be taken by other students if places are available. The course numbers of these intensive courses are marked with Roman I and II in the course catalog, e.g:

    54400I - Portugiesisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 1. Teil

    54400II - Portugiesisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 2. Teil

    If you wish to complete both parts of the introductory module within one semester during the period when classes are in session, you must register for both parts (I+II). When registering, enter the following course number, for example: 54400I+II. Partial attendance of intensive courses (indicated by Roman I and II) is not possible.

    It is also possible to complete the second part of an Introductory Module separately from the first part in the following semester or during the semester break (if semester break courses are on offer). The corresponding courses are referred to in the course catalog as "Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil / Grundmodul 1" (i.e. part 1) and "Einstiegsmodul 2. Teil / Grundmodul 2" (i.e. part 2). Semester break courses have the additional title "Ferienkurs". close
    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Portuguese

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Russian

    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    10 CP after completion of Introductory Module Part 1 and Part 2
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Russian

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Spanish

    The "Introductory Module: Spanish" comprises 2 parts, each with 4 semester hours per week (SWS), i.e. a total of 8 SWS. 10 credit points are only awarded for the Introductory Module if both parts are successfully completed. It is not possible to receive credit points for the first part only. However, if you have little prior knowledge of the language, so that you can start directly with the second part of the Introductory Module (corresponds to an Intermediate Module 2), 5 credit points will be awarded upon successful completion (with a course load of 4 SWS).

    It is possible to complete the Introductory Module (i.e. parts 1 and 2) within one semester during the period when classes are in session. Intensive courses are offered for this purpose, which are primarily intended for students specializing in the subject, but can also be taken by other students if places are available. The course numbers of these intensive courses are marked with Roman I and II in the course catalog, e.g:

    54502I - Spanisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 1. Teil, 1. Gr.

    54502II - Spanisch Einstiegsmodul / Grundmodul 1+2, 2. Teil, 1. Gr.

    If you wish to complete both parts of the introductory module within one semester during the period when classes are in session, you must register for both parts (I+II) of the same group. When registering, enter the following course number, for example: 54502I+II. Partial attendance of intensive courses (indicated by Roman I and II) is not possible.

    It is also possible to complete the second part of an Introductory Module separately from the first part in the following semester or during the semester break (if semester break courses are on offer). The corresponding courses are referred to in the course catalog as "Einstiegsmodul 1. Teil / Grundmodul 1" (i.e. part 1) and "Einstiegsmodul 2. Teil / Grundmodul 2" (i.e. part 2). Semester break courses have the additional title "Ferienkurs". close
    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Spanish

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Turkish

    If you have some previous knowledge of this language, you must take a General Professional Skills (ABV) placement test before registering for a language course, even if your knowledge is very basic. close
    10 CP after completion of Introductory Module Part 1 and Part 2
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Turkish

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Introductory Module: Dutch

    10 CP after completion of Introductory Module Part 1 and Part 2
    Module with no course offerings
  • Intermediate Module 2: Dutch

    Students who have attended and successfully completed the two-part Introductory Module (10 CP) should not register for Intermediate Module 2, but for Intermediate Module 3. close
    Module with no course offerings
    • 1st Year Study at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 0411aA1.1
    • 3rd Year Study at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 0411aA1.2
    • Specialization Module I: French Studies 0238cA1.1
    • Specialization Module II: French Studies 0238cA1.2
    • Specialization Module IIIa: Language Practice 0411aB1.3
    • Specialization Module IIIb: Language Practice 0411aB1.4
    • Introductory Module Ia: Linguistics (French) 0029bA2.1
    • Literary and Cultural Theory 0033dC1.4
    • Introductory Module Ic: French Literature 0411aB2.3
    • Introductory Module IId: Literary History and History of the French Language 0411aB2.4
    • Introductory Module IId: Methodology and Practice of Analysis and Interpretation 0411aB2.5
    • Education and Academia: Comparing France and Germany 0411aC1.1
    • German-French Studies (only for 1st year students at the Sorbonne) 0411aC1.2
    • Basic Course in Public Law 0313bA1.1
    • Roman Law and History of European Law 0313bA1.2
    • Introduction to the Legal System of the Federal Republic of Germany 0313bA1.3
    • Einführung in die Rechtsordnung der BRD 0411aC2.3
    • Introductory Module: Arabic 0105cA1.1
    • Upper intermediate English 2 for academic professions 0105cA1.10
    • Advanced English 1a for academic professions 0105cA1.11
    • Advanced English 1b for academic professions 0105cA1.12
    • Advanced English 2 for academic professions 0105cA1.13
    • Introductory Module: French 0105cA1.14
    • Intermediate Module 2: French 0105cA1.15
    • Intermediate Module 3: French 0105cA1.16
    • Intermediate Module 4: French 0105cA1.17
    • Advanced Module 1: French 0105cA1.18
    • Advanced Module 2: French 0105cA1.19
    • Intermediate Module 2: Arabic 0105cA1.2
    • Advanced Module 3: French 0105cA1.20
    • Introductory Module: Italian 0105cA1.21
    • Intermediate Module 2: Italian 0105cA1.22
    • Intermediate Module 3: Italian 0105cA1.23
    • Intermediate Module 4: Italian 0105cA1.24
    • Advanced Module 1: Italian 0105cA1.25
    • Advanced Module 2: Italian 0105cA1.26
    • Advanced Module 3: Italian 0105cA1.27
    • Introductory Module: Dutch 0105cA1.28
    • Intermediate Module 2: Dutch 0105cA1.29
    • Intermediate Module 3: Arabic 0105cA1.3
    • Intermediate Module 3: Dutch 0105cA1.30
    • Introductory Module: Polish 0105cA1.31
    • Intermediate Module 2: Polish 0105cA1.32
    • Intermediate Module 3: Polish 0105cA1.33
    • Intermediate Module 4: Polish 0105cA1.34
    • Introductory Module: Portuguese 0105cA1.35
    • Intermediate Module 2: Portuguese 0105cA1.36
    • Intermediate Module 3: Portuguese 0105cA1.37
    • Intermediate Module 4: Portuguese 0105cA1.38
    • Advanced Module 1: Portuguese 0105cA1.39
    • Intermediate Module 4: Arabic 0105cA1.4
    • Advanced Module 2: Portuguese 0105cA1.40
    • Advanced Module 3: Portuguese 0105cA1.41
    • Introductory Module: Russian 0105cA1.42
    • Intermediate Module 2: Russian 0105cA1.43
    • Intermediate Module 3: Russian 0105cA1.44
    • Intermediate Module 4: Russian 0105cA1.45
    • Intermediate Module 5: Russian 0105cA1.46
    • Introductory Module: Spanish 0105cA1.47
    • Intermediate Module 2: Spanish 0105cA1.48
    • Intermediate Module 3: Spanish 0105cA1.49
    • Advanced Module: German as a Foreign Language 0105cA1.5
    • Intermediate Module 4: Spanish 0105cA1.50
    • Advanced Module 1: Spanish 0105cA1.51
    • Advanced Module 2: Spanish 0105cA1.52
    • Advanced Module 3: Spanish 0105cA1.53
    • Introductory Module: Turkish 0105cA1.54
    • Intermediate Module 2: Turkish 0105cA1.55
    • Intermediate Module 3: Turkish 0105cA1.56
    • Intermediate Module 4: Turkish 0105cA1.57
    • Introductory Module: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.58
    • Intermediate Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.59
    • Specialization Module A: German as a Foreign Language - Fields of Interaction in Academia 0105cA1.6
    • Intermediate Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.60
    • Intermediate Module 4: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.61
    • Advanced Module 1: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.62
    • Advanced Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.63
    • Advanced Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105cA1.64
    • Specialization Module B: German as a Foreign Language - Forms of Discourse in Academia 0105cA1.7
    • Specialization Module C: German as a Foreign Language - Working with Texts and Working on Texts 0105cA1.8
    • Upper intermediate English 1 for academic professions 0105cA1.9
    • Module A: Digital Publishing and Presentation 0105cA2.1
    • Module B: Digital Project Management 0105cA2.2
    • Module C: The Internet: Professional Usage and Presentation 0105cA2.3
    • Module D: Information Literacy 0105cA2.4
    • Module E: Operating Systems and Programming 0105cA2.5
    • Module F: Print Media Layout and Design 0105cA2.6
    • Module G: Digital Data Analysis and Statistical Methods 0105cA2.7
    • Gender and Diversity: Key Social Categories in the 21st Century 0105cA3.1
    • Gender, Diversity, and Gender Mainstreaming 0105cA3.2
    • Diversity Management 0105cA3.3
    • Principles of Business Administration (General Professional Skills) 0105cA4.1
    • Principles of Marketing (General Professional Skills) 0105cA4.2
    • E-Business (General Professional Skills) 0105cA4.3
    • Net Economy - Case Studies in the International Learning Network (General Professional Skills) 0105cA4.4
    • BusinessplanLab - Creating a Business Plan 0105cA4.5
    • Funpreneur Competition - Launching a Student Company 0105cA4.6
    • Principles, Ideas, and Business Models for Starting a Company 0105cA4.7
    • Mediation and Negotiation Techniques 0105cA5.1
    • Optimization of Personal Work Processes 0105cA5.2
    • Presenting, Debating, Facilitating 0105cA5.3
    • Professional Internship - A 0105cA6.1
    • Professional Internship - B 0105cA6.2
    • Professional Internship - C 0105cA6.3
    • Professional Internship Abroad - A 0105cA6.4
    • Professional Internship Abroad - B 0105cA6.5
    • Professional Internship Abroad - C 0105cA6.6
    • Upper Intermediate English 1 for Academic Professions 0105dA1.10
    • Upper Intermediate English 2 for Academic Professions 0105dA1.11
    • Advanced English 1a for Academic Professions 0105dA1.12
    • Advanced English 1b for Academic Professions 0105dA1.13
    • Advanced English 2 for Academic Professions 0105dA1.14
    • Intermediate Module 3: French 0105dA1.17
    • French GPS Foundation Module 4 0105dA1.18
    • French GPS Advanced Module 1 0105dA1.19
    • French GPS Advanced Module 2 0105dA1.20
    • Advanced Module 3: French 0105dA1.21
    • Intermediate Module 3: Italian 0105dA1.24
    • Italian GPS Foundation Module 4 0105dA1.25
    • Italian GPS Advanced Module 1 0105dA1.26
    • Italian GPS Advanced Module 2 0105dA1.27
    • Advanced Module 3: Italian 0105dA1.28
    • Dutch GPS Introductory Module 0105dA1.29
    • Intermediate Module 3: Arabic 0105dA1.3
    • Dutch GPS Foundation Module 2 0105dA1.30
    • Dutch GPS Foundation Module 3 0105dA1.31
    • Intermediate Module 3: Polish 0105dA1.34
    • Intermediate Module 4: Polish 0105dA1.35
    • Intermediate Module 3: Portuguese 0105dA1.38
    • Portuguese GPS Foundation Module 4 0105dA1.39
    • Intermediate Module 4: Arabic 0105dA1.4
    • Portuguese GPS Advanced Module 1 0105dA1.40
    • Portuguese GPS Advanced Module 2 0105dA1.41
    • Advanced Module 3: Portuguese 0105dA1.42
    • Intermediate Module 3: Russian 0105dA1.45
    • Intermediate Module 4: Russian 0105dA1.46
    • Intermediate Module 5: Russian 0105dA1.47
    • Advanced Module 1: Russian 0105dA1.48
    • Intermediate Module 5: Arabic 0105dA1.5
    • Intermediate Module 3: Spanish 0105dA1.51
    • Spanish GPS Foundation Module 4 0105dA1.52
    • Spanish GPS Advanced Module 1 0105dA1.53
    • Spanish GPS Advanced Module 2 0105dA1.54
    • Advanced Module 3: Spanish 0105dA1.55
    • Turkish GPS Foundation Module 3 0105dA1.58
    • Intermediate Module 4: Turkish 0105dA1.59
    • Advanced Module: German as a Foreign Language 0105dA1.6
    • Turkish GPS Foundation Module 5 0105dA1.60
    • Introductory Module: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.61
    • Intermediate Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.62
    • Intermediate Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.63
    • Intermediate Module 4: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.64
    • Advanced Module 1: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.65
    • Advanced Module 2: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.66
    • Advanced Module 3: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.67
    • Intermediate Module 5: Other Foreign Language 0105dA1.68
    • Intermediate Module 4: French 0105dA1.69
    • Specialization Module A: German as a Foreign Language - Fields of Interaction in Academia 0105dA1.7
    • Advanced Module 1: French 0105dA1.70
    • Advanced Module 2: French 0105dA1.71
    • Intermediate Module 4: Italian 0105dA1.72
    • Advanced Module 1: Italian 0105dA1.73
    • Advanced Module 2: Italian 0105dA1.74
    • Intermediate Module 3: Dutch 0105dA1.77
    • Intermediate Module 4: Portuguese 0105dA1.78
    • Advanced Module 1: Portuguese 0105dA1.79
    • Specialization Module B: German as a Foreign Language - Forms of Discourse in Academia 0105dA1.8
    • Advanced Module 2: Portuguese 0105dA1.80
    • Intermediate Module 4: Spanish 0105dA1.81
    • Advanced Module 1: Spanish 0105dA1.82
    • Advanced Module 2: Spanish 0105dA1.83
    • Intermediate Module 3: Turkish 0105dA1.84
    • Intermediate Module 5: Turkish 0105dA1.85
    • Deutsch als Fremdsprache Fundierungsmodul 0105dA1.86
    • Introductory Module: Arabic Dialects I 0105dA1.87
    • Introductory Module: Arabic Dialects I 0105dA1.88
    • Specialization Module C: German as a Foreign Language - Working with Texts and Working on Texts 0105dA1.9
    • Module A: Digital Publishing and Presentation 0105dA2.1
    • Module B: Digital Project Management 0105dA2.2
    • Module C: Online Communication and Presentation 0105dA2.3
    • Module D: Information Literacy 0105dA2.4
    • Module E: Object-oriented Programming 0105dA2.5
    • Module F: Print Media Layout and Design 0105dA2.6
    • Module G: Digital Data Analysis and Statistical Methods 0105dA2.7
    • Modul H: Multimedia-Produktion 0105dA2.8
    • Gender and Diversity: Key Social Categories in the 21st Century 0105dA3.1
    • Gender, Diversity, and Gender Mainstreaming 0105dA3.2
    • Diversity Management 0105dA3.3
    • Gender and Diversity: Collaborative Projects 0105dA3.4
    • Gender and Diversity in the International Context 0105dA3.5
    • Principles of Business Administration (General Professional Skills) 0105dA4.1
    • Principles of Marketing (General Professional Skills) 0105dA4.2
    • E-Business (General Professional Skills) 0105dA4.3
    • Net Economy - Case Studies in the International Learning Network (General Professional Skills) 0105dA4.4
    • BusinessplanLab - Creating a Business Plan 0105dA4.5
    • Funpreneur Competition - Launching a Student Company 0105dA4.6
    • Principles, Ideas, and Business Models for Starting a Company 0105dA4.7
    • Mediation and Negotiation Techniques 0105dA5.1
    • Shaping your Personal Study and Work Routines 0105dA5.2
    • Presenting, Debating, Facilitating 0105dA5.3
    • Project Management 0105dA5.4
    • Mentoring and Tutoring Qualification 0105dA5.5
    • Gruppenleitung in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten 0105dA5.6
    • Managing Sustainability 0105dA6.1
    • Communicating Sustainability 0105dA6.2
    • Researching Sustainability 0105dA6.3
    • Designing Sustainabilty 0105dA6.4
    • Science and Society 0105dA7.1
    • Understanding University 0105dA7.2
    • Professional Internship - A 0105dA8.1
    • Professional Internship - B 0105dA8.2
    • Professional Internship - C 0105dA8.3
    • Professional Internship Abroad - A 0105dA8.4
    • Professional Internship Abroad - B 0105dA8.5
    • Professional Internship Abroad - C 0105dA8.6
    • Professional Orientation and Communication Skills in the Humanities 0188cA1.1
    • Teamwork and Projects for Humanities Students 0188cA1.2
    • Applied Skills Qualifications 0188cA1.3
    • Applied Skills Qualifications 0188cA1.4
    • Additional Foreign Languages 0188cA1.5
    • Additional Foreign Languages 0188cA1.6
The search term has to be at least three characters long!

Subjects A - Z