WiSe 19/20  
School of Busin...  
Bachelor's prog...  

WiSe 19/20: Bachelor's Programmes

Bachelor's programme in Economics (as of winter semester 2016/17)

    • Wohlfahrtsstaat und Globalisierung (The Welfare State and Globalization) 0171cB3.1
    • Wirtschaftspolitik (Economic Policy) 0171cB3.10
    • Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik (Fiscal and Economic Policy) 0171cB3.11
    • Fiscal and Economic Policy: Selected Topics 0171cB3.12
    • European Union Policy 0171cB3.2
    • Arbeitsrecht (Labor Law) 0171cB3.3
    • Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht (Commercial Law and Corporate Law) 0171cB3.4
    • Einführung in die Arbeitsmarkttheorie (Introduction to Labor Market Theory) 0171cB3.5
    • Umweltökonomik (Environmental Economics) 0171cB3.6
    • Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Economic History) 0171cB3.7
    • Staat und Allokation (Government and Allocation) 0171cB3.8
    • Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre (Economics of Taxation) 0171cB3.9
    • Einführung in die Ökonometrie (Introduction to Econometrics) 0171cB2.1
    • Statistische Modellierung (Statistical Modeling) 0171cB2.2
    • Introduction to Time-Series Analysis 0171cB2.3
    • Einführung in die Mikroökonometrie (Introduction to Microeconometrics) 0171cB2.4
    • Sampling Methods 0171cB2.5
    • Quantitative Methoden (Quantitative Methods) 0171cB2.6
    • Applied Time-Series Econometrics 0171cB2.7
    • Quantitative Methods: Selected Topics 0171cB2.8
    • Spieltheorie (Game Theory) 0171cB1.1
    • Volkswirtschaftstheorie (Theoretical Economics) 0171cB1.10
    • Special Topics in Theoretical Economics 0171cB1.11
    • Principles and Controversies of Marxist Economic Theory 0171cB1.12
    • Monetäre Außenwirtschaft (International Monetary Economics) 0171cB1.2
    • International Trade: Theory and Policy 0171cB1.3
    • Wirtschaftswachstum (Economic Growth) 0171cB1.4
    • The System of National Accounts 0171cB1.5
    • History of Economic Thought 0171cB1.6
    • Mikroökonomie (Microeconomics) 0171cB1.7
    • Makroökonomie (Macroeconomics) 0171cB1.8
    • Entscheidungstheorie (Decision Theory) 0171cB1.9
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Subjects A - Z