SoSe 23  
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Bachelor's prog...  

SoSe 23: Bachelor's Programmes

Bachelor's programme in Economics (as of winter semester 2016/17)

Die Möglichkeit des Studienabschlusses auf der Grundlage dieser Studien- und Prüfungsordnung wird bis zum Ende des Sommersemesters 2022 gewährleistet.
1. Änderungsordnung der Prüfungsordnung vom 19.04.2017
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung close
  • Investition und Finanzierung (Investment and Corporate Finance)

  • Privatrecht (Private Law)


    learning objectives:
    Students learn the basic structure of civil property rights, i.e. property rights and their content, what they protect, and how they are acquired, as well as rights to third-party services (contract). They also become familiar with the normative justification of property rights as an order of equal freedom. They learn to solve cases based on legal texts.

    course content:
    Role of private law in the legal system; rights to third-party services: Content of the law, cancellation and damages in the event of default (including warranty law), principles of contract acquisition; presentation of the most important types of contracts; rights to property: Content of the law, compensation in cases of culpable damage, principles of property acquisition; retention of title and collateral security; unjust enrichment claims; glimpse at company law and intellectual property rights.

    language of instruction:

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / every summer semester

    • 10120801 Lecture
      Private Law (V) (Florian Rödl)
      Schedule: Do 09:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: Hs 101 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10120802 Practice seminar
      Private Law (Ü) (Undine Christian)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00, Di 16:00-18:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-06-06)
      Location: Di Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Do Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Do Hs 108 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Grundlagen der Mikroökonomie (Fundamentals of Microeconomics)


    learning objectives:
    Students gain an understanding of microeconomic concepts and their principles. With guidance, students learn to solve practical problems by applying the knowledge they gain in order to analyze microeconomic issues related to budgeting and business decisions. In addition, they learn to describe the interactions between suppliers and demanders in markets, to examine market efficiency, as well as describe to what extent state intervention to avoid market failure is justified. The module will continuously be augmented with integrated gender and diversity elements, which are aimed at preparing students for real-life professional experiences where diversity plays an ever more important role in businesses and organizational structures.

    course content:
    Consumption theory and budgeting decisions, production theory and business decisions, market equilibrium in complete and incomplete markets, game theory concepts, general equilibrium theory

    language of instruction:

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / every summer semester

    • 10120101 Lecture
      Fundamentals of Microeconomics (V) (Christian Basteck)
      Schedule: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: Hs 101 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10120102 Practice seminar
      Fundamentals of Microeconomics (Ü) (Boryslav Brekhov, Ekaterina Gorbunova)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Mo 12:00-14:00, Di 08:00-10:00, Di 12:00-14:00, Di 14:00-16:00, Di 16:00-17:00, Mi 08:00-10:00, Mi 16:00-18:00, Do 08:00-10:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Fr 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: Mo Hs 103 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Mo Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Di HFB/D Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37), Di Hs 104a Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Mi Hs 103 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Do Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Do Hs 108 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Fr Hs 101 Hörsaa...
  • Einführung in die Statistik (Introduction to Statistics)


    learning objectives:
    Students gain basic knowledge of information reduction when dealing with one-dimensional and multidimensional data on different measurement levels (“descriptive statistics”). Students also learn how to use the tools of probability theory to deal with the randomness of statistical information. Based on the concept of probability, students learn to derive the concept of random variables. In addition to learning about basic concepts and definitions, students also learn how to describe important distribution models. Students also use software to display central statistical concepts, such as the dispersion of results within a distribution model. They learn to process simple statistical analyses themselves using a computer. The module integrates intercultural and international diversity as a cross-sectional topic that students should be aware of when it comes to research methods and evaluations.

    course content:
    One-dimensional and multidimensional empirical distribution, principles of probability theory, random variables, ratios and indices, discrete distribution models.

    language of instruction:

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / every summer semester

    • 10120401 Lecture
      Introduction to Statistics (V) (Jan Marcus)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: HFB/C Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37)
    • 10120402 Practice seminar
      Introduction to Statistics (Ü) (Lisa Hanzl)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: HFB/A Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37)
    • 10120405 Tutorial
      Introduction to Statistics (T) (Tutoren)
      Schedule: Mi 08:30-10:00, Do 12:00-14:00, Do 16:00-18:00, Fr 08:30-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-26)
      Location: HFB/C Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37)
  • Spieltheorie (Game Theory)

    • 10121401 Lecture
      Game Theory (V) (Christian Basteck)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: Hs 104 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121426 Methods Tutorial
      Game Theory (Ü) (Ekaterina Gorbunova, Christian Basteck)
      Schedule: Do 14:00-16:00, Fr 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: Hs 108 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Volkswirtschaftstheorie (Theoretical Economics)

  • Special Topics in Theoretical Economics

  • Monetäre Außenwirtschaft (International Monetary Economics)

  • Makroökonomie (Macroeconomics)


    learning objectives:
    Students build on the knowledge they gained in the introduction to macroeconomics and take their qualifications in the area of macroeconomics to a deeper level. They learn to apply their understanding of theoretical and empirical methods to concrete economic policy issues. A significant additional skill that the students gain is the ability to create theoretical models that take into account important international relationships. Students improve their analytical skills and learn to produce descriptive models that are more realistic as well as explain new interaction effects.

    course content:
    Study of the necessity and effectiveness of state intervention in fiscal and monetary policy for example in order to combat unemployment and inflation; discussion of different assumptions about how private economic subjects form expectations; study of macroeconomic relationships in the open economy; foreign exchange market; determinants of exchange rates.

    language of instruction:

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / irregular

    • 10103001 Lecture
      Macroeconomics (V) (Britta Gehrke)
      Schedule: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: Hs 101 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10103026 Methods Tutorial
      Macroeconomics (Ü) (Erik Dasenbrock, Johannes Michael Ossadnik)
      Schedule: Mo 16:00-18:00, Di 12:00-14:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-17)
      Location: Mo HFB/C Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37), Di HFB/C Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37), Di Hörsaal/Thielallee 67 (Thielallee 67), Di Hs 103 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21), Di K 006a PC Pool 1 (Garystr. 21)
  • Einführung in die Ökonometrie (Introduction to Econometrics)


    learning objectives:
    Students learn to quantify and verify economic behavioral equations using statistical methods and observational data. They learn to describe and apply the basic methods of regression analysis including testing parameters. Through a trained understanding of econometric models, they can also identify the effects of deviating or violating models on estimates and regression parameter tests and develop appropriate strategic solutions. By including a practical computational exercise, students learn to perform regression analyses by themselves and interpret the results appropriately. Another important objective is to use student diversity as a resource and make a conscious effort to include it in the students’ daily life.

    course content:
    Fundamental methods of econometrics, for example: The classical linear regression model, parameter estimation with the least squares method, confidence ranges and parameter tests, modeling structural breaks and season, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation of residuals.

    language of instruction:
    German / English

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / irregular

    • 10121201 Lecture
      Introduction to Econometrics (V) (Dieter Nautz)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-17)
      Location: Hs 105 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121226 Methods Tutorial
      Introduction to Econometrics (Ü1) (Lea Wolf)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: Hs 107 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121202 Practice seminar
      Introduction to Econometrics (Ü2) (Lea Wolf)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00, Mi 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, Do 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: K 006b PC-Pool 2 (Garystr. 21)
  • Quantitative Methoden (Quantitative Methods)

  • Applied Time-Series Econometrics

    • 10122601 Lecture
      Applied Time Series Econometrics (V) (Dieter Nautz)
      Schedule: Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: 202 Sitzungsraum / Kaminzimmer (Boltzmannstr. 16-20)
    • 10122610 Proseminar
      Applied Time Series Econometrics (S) (Dieter Nautz, Elias Wolf, Lea Wolf)
      Schedule: Fr 19.05. 14:00-18:00, Fr 07.07. 14:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2023-05-19)
      Location: 202 Sitzungsraum / Kaminzimmer (Boltzmannstr. 16-20)
  • Wirtschaftspolitik (Economic Policy)


    learning objectives:
    Students gain a basic knowledge of modern policy analysis and can describe political economy issues using simple economic models and empirical analysis methods. In addition, they learn to describe in economic terms the impact of central decision-making mechanisms in politics, to evaluate in economic terms alternative political institutions, and to analyze the reasons for a potential collapse of the state.

    course content:
    Fundamentals of welfare theory; analysis of political decision-making processes such as elections, lobbying, or the interaction of government and parliament; political business cycles; relevant theoretical principles from game theory.

    language of instruction:
    German / English

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / irregular

  • Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik (Fiscal and Economic Policy)

    • 10123501 Lecture
      Inflation and Monetary Policy (Britta Gehrke)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: K 005 Seminarraum UG (Garystr. 21)
    • 10123510 Proseminar
      Inflation and Monetary Policy (S) (Britta Gehrke)
      Schedule: Fr 10:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-05-12)
      Location: keine Angabe
  • Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht (Commercial Law and Corporate Law)


    learning objectives:
    Students gain an overview of the special rules for merchants stipulated by the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the typical issues involved. Participants learn how to identify and interpret the structures of corporate law. Based on examples, they learn how to prepare solutions for cases involving commercial and corporate law issues and can formulate arguments to defend the solutions.

    course content:
    Fundamentals of commercial and company law, description of the term "merchant", the company, publicity of the commercial register, merchant representation in legal transactions, contract types in the HGB (commercial purchases, commission), partnership law (BGB-Gesellschaft, OHG, KG), norms of the German civil code (BGB) and the HGB, overview of laws governing stock corporations (AG, GmbH).

    language of instruction:

    180 hours (6 ECTS)

    duration / frequency

    one semester / irregular

    • 10121801 Lecture
      Commercial Law and Corporate Law (V) (Dominik Klimke)
      Schedule: Mi 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-19)
      Location: Hs 101 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121802 Practice seminar
      Commercial Law and Corporate Law (Ü) (Undine Christian)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:30, Mi 16:30-19:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-06-28)
      Location: Hs 104a Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Einführung in die Arbeitsmarkttheorie (Introduction to Labor Market Theory)

    • 10121901 Lecture
      Introduction to Labor Market Theory (V) (Natalia Danzer)
      Schedule: Fr 08:00-10:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-21)
      Location: Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121926 Methods Tutorial
      Introduction to Labor Market Theory (Ü) (Piotr Larysz)
      Schedule: Fr 12:00-14:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-04-21)
      Location: Hs 106 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Umweltökonomik (Environmental Economics)

    • 10123601 Lecture
      Environmental Economics (V) (Ronnie Schöb)
      Schedule: Di 08:30-10:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-18)
      Location: Hs 105 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
  • Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre (Economics of Taxation)

    • 10121101 Lecture
      Economics of Taxation (V) (Tim Lohse)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-20)
      Location: Hs 104a Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • 10121126 Methods Tutorial
      Economics of Taxation (Ü) (Cara Nadler)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-04-25)
      Location: Hs 107 Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)
    • Grundlagen externer Unternehmensrechung (Fundamentals of Financial Accounting) 0170aA1.1
    • Management (Management) 0170aA1.7
    • Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (Introduction to Economics) 0171cA1.1
    • Öffentliches Recht (Public Law) 0171cA1.11
    • Grundlagen der Makroökonomie (Fundamentals of Macroeconomics) 0171cA1.3
    • Mathematics (for Students of Business and Economics) 0171cA1.4
    • Schließende Statistik (Inferential Statistics) 0171cA1.6
    • Fundamentals of Business Administration for Students of Economics 0171cA1.7
    • Principles and Controversies of Marxist Economic Theory 0171cB1.12
    • International Trade: Theory and Policy 0171cB1.3
    • Wirtschaftswachstum (Economic Growth) 0171cB1.4
    • The System of National Accounts 0171cB1.5
    • History of Economic Thought 0171cB1.6
    • Mikroökonomie (Microeconomics) 0171cB1.7
    • Entscheidungstheorie (Decision Theory) 0171cB1.9
    • Statistische Modellierung (Statistical Modeling) 0171cB2.2
    • Introduction to Time-Series Analysis 0171cB2.3
    • Einführung in die Mikroökonometrie (Introduction to Microeconometrics) 0171cB2.4
    • Sampling Methods 0171cB2.5
    • Quantitative Methods: Selected Topics 0171cB2.8
    • Wohlfahrtsstaat und Globalisierung (The Welfare State and Globalization) 0171cB3.1
    • Fiscal and Economic Policy: Selected Topics 0171cB3.12
    • European Union Policy 0171cB3.2
    • Arbeitsrecht (Labor Law) 0171cB3.3
    • Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Economic History) 0171cB3.7
    • Staat und Allokation (Government and Allocation) 0171cB3.8
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Subjects A - Z