WiSe 14/15  
Veterinary Medi...  

WiSe 14/15: Veterinary Medicine


  • Compulsory-elective Classes

    In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie das Angebot an Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen des klinischen Abschnitts. Sie müssen im klinischen Abschnitt 16 erfolgreich abgeschlossene Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen aus diesem Angebot nachweisen können. Neben den regulären Lehrangebot finden Sie auch Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen. Diese Veranstaltungen gehören nicht zum regulären Lehrangebot, können von Ihnen aber auch besucht werden. close
    Module with no course offerings
    • Virology 0382aB2.1
    • Bacteriology, Mycology 0382aB2.2
    • Parasitology 0382aB2.3
    • Epidemics Control and Infectious Disease Epidemiology 0382aB2.4
    • Immunology 0382aB2.5
    • Microbiology and Animal Epizootic 0382aB2.6
    • Parasitology 0382aB2.7
    • Diseases of Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, and Bees 0382aB3.1
    • Surgery and Anesthesiology II 0382aB3.11
    • Internal Medicine II 0382aB3.12
    • General Pathology 0382aB3.13
    • Special Pathological Anatomy and Histology 0382aB3.14
    • Meat Hygiene 0382aB3.18
    • Food Science, Including Food Hygiene 0382aB3.19
    • General Pathology, Special Pathological Anatomy and Histology, Including Autopsies 0382aB3.2
    • Dairy Science, Dairy Hygiene 0382aB3.20
    • Theriogenology Including Neonatal and Udder Diseases 0382aB3.3
    • Internal Medicine Including Laboratory Diagnostics (Dietetics, Eye Diseases), Surgery, and Anaesthesiology (Dentistry, Hoof and Claw Diseases) 0382aB3.4
    • Poultry Diseases 0382aB3.5
    • Food Science and Food Hygiene 0382aB3.6
    • Organ-Centered Instruction: Internal Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesiology I 0382aB3.7
    • Dairy Science, Dairy Hygiene 0382aB3.8
    • Internal Medicine Including Laboratory Diagnostics (Dietetics, Eye Diseases), Surgery, and Anaesthesiology (Dentistry, Hoof and Claw Diseases) 0382aB3.9
    • Clinical Propedeutics 0382aB1.1
    • History of Veterinary Medicine 0382aB1.10
    • Professional Studies 0382aB1.11
    • Forensic Veterinary Medicine 0382aB1.12
    • Clinical Propedeutics 0382aB1.13
    • Legislation on Medicinal Products and Narcotics 0382aB1.14
    • Animal Protection and Ethology 0382aB1.2
    • Animal Husbandry and Hygiene 0382aB1.3
    • Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 0382aB1.4
    • Pharmacology and Toxicology 0382aB1.5
    • Legislation on Medicinal Products and Narcotics 0382aB1.6
    • General and Clinical Radiology 0382aB1.7
    • Biometry 0382aB1.8
    • Laboratory Animal Science 0382aB1.9
    • Clinical Rotation, Clinic for Small Animals 0382aB6.1
    • Clinical Rotation, Clinic for Horses 0382aB6.2
    • Clinical Rotation, Clinic for Cloven-Hoofed Animals 0382aB6.3
    • Clinical Rotation, Clinic for Animal Reproduction 0382aB6.4
    • Clinical Rotation, Poultry Diseases 0382aB6.5
    • Clinical Rotation, Pathology 0382aB6.6
    • Clinical Rotation, Meat Hygiene 0382aB6.7
    • Species-Specific Clinical Rotation 0382aB6.8
    • Clinical Demonstrations I 0382aB5.1
    • Clinical Demonstrations II 0382aB5.2
    • Cross-Discipline Teaching 0382aB5.3
    • Cross-Discipline Teaching 0382aB5.4
    • Cross-Discipline Teaching 0382aB5.5
    • Required Elective Track, Clinical Focus on Horses 0382aB4.22
    • Required Elective Track, Clinical Focus on Small Animals 0382aB4.23
    • Required Elective Track, Clinical Focus on Livestock 0382aB4.24
    • Required Elective Track, Focus on Veterinary Public Health 0382aB4.25
    • Required Elective Track, Research Focus 0382aB4.26
    • Other Required Electives 0382aB4.27
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Subjects A - Z