WiSe 23/24  
Mathematics and...  
Data Science  

WiSe 23/24: Data Science

Data Science

  • Advanced Topics in Data Management

    • 19304801 Lecture
      Geospatial Databases (Agnès Voisard)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: A6/SR 031 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
    • 19304802 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Geospatial Databases (Agnès Voisard, Muhammed-Ugur Karagülle)
      Schedule: Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-19)
      Location: T9/046 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Advanced Algorithms

    • 19303501 Lecture
      Advanced Algorithms (László Kozma)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-20)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19303502 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Advanced Algorithms (László Kozma, Michaela Krüger)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00, Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-18)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Telematics

    • 19305101 Lecture
      Telematics (Jochen Schiller)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-18)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 19305102 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Telematics (Jochen Schiller)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/046 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Special Aspects of Data Science in Life Sciences

    • 19328301 Lecture
      Data Visualization (Claudia Müller-Birn)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-19)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334501 Lecture
      Self-Supervised Learning (Tim Landgraf)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-23)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 60102501 Lecture
      Resampling techniques and their application (Frank Konietschke)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-18)
      Location: A6/SR 031 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
    • 19328302 Practice seminar
      Data Visualization (Claudia Müller-Birn)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/055 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334502 Practice seminar
      Practice Seminar for Self-supervised Learning (Manuel Heurich)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 60102502 Practice seminar
      Practice Seminar for Resampling techniques and their application (Frank Konietschke)
      Schedule: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-18)
      Location: A6/SR 031 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
  • Current Research Topics: Data Science in the Life Sciences

    • 19328301 Lecture
      Data Visualization (Claudia Müller-Birn)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-19)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334501 Lecture
      Self-Supervised Learning (Tim Landgraf)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-23)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 19328302 Practice seminar
      Data Visualization (Claudia Müller-Birn)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/055 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334502 Practice seminar
      Practice Seminar for Self-supervised Learning (Manuel Heurich)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Seminar: Data Science in the Life Sciences (for Master's Students)

  • Software Project Data Science A

  • Special Aspects of Data Science Technologies

    • 19327201 Lecture
      Data compression (Heiko Schwarz)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19328601 Lecture
      Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (Justus Purat)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19327202 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Data Compression (Heiko Schwarz)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: A7/SR 031 (Arnimallee 7)
    • 19328602 Practice seminar
      Practice Session on Cryptocurrencies (Katinka Wolter, Justus Purat)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Current Research Topics in Data Science Technologies

    • 19327201 Lecture
      Data compression (Heiko Schwarz)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19328601 Lecture
      Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (Justus Purat)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334501 Lecture
      Self-Supervised Learning (Tim Landgraf)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-23)
      Location: T9/Gr. Hörsaal (Takustr. 9)
    • 19327202 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Data Compression (Heiko Schwarz)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-16)
      Location: A7/SR 031 (Arnimallee 7)
    • 19328602 Practice seminar
      Practice Session on Cryptocurrencies (Katinka Wolter, Justus Purat)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19334502 Practice seminar
      Practice Seminar for Self-supervised Learning (Manuel Heurich)
      Schedule: Di 12:00-14:00, Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Selected Topics in Data Science Technologies (A)

    • 19312101 Lecture
      Systems Software (Barry Linnert)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19312102 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Systems Software (Barry Linnert)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-19)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Selected Topics in Data Science Technologies (B)

    • 19312101 Lecture
      Systems Software (Barry Linnert)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Fr 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2023-10-17)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19312102 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Systems Software (Barry Linnert)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2023-10-19)
      Location: T9/051 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Seminar: Data Science Technology

  • Software Project Data Science B

    • Pattern Recognition 0089cA1.12
    • Network-Based Information Systems 0089cA1.13
    • Computer Security 0089cA1.16
    • Distributed Systems 0089cA1.20
    • Artificial Intelligence 0089cA1.9
    • Mobile Communications 0089cA3.3
    • Applied Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.12
    • Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.7
    • Big Data Analysis in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.8
    • Interdisciplinary Apporaches (Data Science) A 0590bB1.27
    • Interdisciplinary Apporaches (Data Science) B 0590bB1.28
    • Ethical Foundations of Data Science 0590bB1.3
    • Selected Topics in Data Science in Life Sciences 0590bB1.7
    • Data Base Systems for students of Data Science 0590bB2.9
    • Data Science in the Life Sciences 0590bB1.1
    • Research Practice 0590bB1.2
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Subjects A - Z