WiSe 22/23  
Berlin Universi...  
M.Sc. in Bioinf...  

WiSe 22/23: BUA Joint Degree Programs

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics (2019 study regulations)

  • Foundations of Computer Science

  • Foundations of Mathematics and Statistics

  • Foundations of Biomedicine

  • Introduction to Focus Areas

    • 19405152 RV
      Introduction to Focus Areas (Katharina Jahn, Alexander Bockmayr, Knut Reinert, Heike Siebert, Max von Kleist)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00, Fr 09:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2022-10-21)
      Location: T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19405106 Seminar-style instruction
      SU: Introduction to Focus Areas (Katharina Jahn, Alexander Bockmayr, Knut Reinert, Heike Siebert, Max von Kleist)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00, Fr 12:00-13:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-17)
      Location: T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Complex Systems in Biomedical Applications

  • Research Practical

    • 19400432 Research Internship
      Bioinformatics Research Internship (Priyanka Banerjee, Alexander Bockmayr, Tim Conrad, Dorothee Günzel, Camila Mazzoni, Irmtraud Meyer, Frank Noe, Robert Preissner, Knut Reinert, Bernhard Renard, Heike Siebert, Martin Vingron)
      Schedule: -
      Location: keine Angabe
  • Distributed Systems

    • 19328601 Lecture
      Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (Katinka Wolter)
      Schedule: Mo 14:00-16:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2022-10-17)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19328602 Practice seminar
      Practice Session on Cryptocurrencies (Katinka Wolter)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-11)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Advanced Topics in Data Management

    • 19304801 Lecture
      Geospatial Databases (Agnès Voisard)
      Schedule: Di 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-18)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19304802 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Geospatial Databases (Muhammed-Ugur Karagülle)
      Schedule: Do 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-20)
      Location: T9/049 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Advanced Algorithms

    • 19303501 Lecture
      Advanced Algorithms (László Kozma)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2022-10-18)
      Location: T9/SR 006 Seminarraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 19303502 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Advanced Algorithms (László Kozma)
      Schedule: Mi 08:00-10:00, Mi 12:00-14:00, Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-19)
      Location: A6/SR 007/008 Seminarraum (Arnimallee 6)
  • Methods in Life Sciences

    • 21697a Lecture
      Methods in Life Sciences (Preußner Marco, Heyd Florian, Hochschullehrer*innen des FB Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie)
      Schedule: Lecture: Friday, 15:00 - 16:30 h Seminar: Friday, 16:30 - 17:00 h (Class starts on: 2022-10-21)
      Location: SR Chemie-24 (Raum B.-131, UG1
    • 21697b Seminar
      Methods in Life Sciences (Preußner Marco, Heyd Florian, Hochschullehrer*innen des FB Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie)
      Schedule: Lecture: Friday, 15:00 - 16:30 h Seminar: Friday, 16:30 - 17:00 h (Class starts on: 2022-10-21)
      Location: SR Chemie-24 (Raum B.-131, UG1) (Arnimallee 22)
  • Advanced Network Analysis

    • 19401801 Lecture
      Molecular Networks (Alexander Bockmayr)
      Schedule: Mo 10:00-12:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-17)
      Location: A3/SR 119 (Arnimallee 3-5)
    • 19401802 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Molecular Networks (Alexander Bockmayr)
      Schedule: Mo 12:00-14:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-17)
      Location: A3/SR 119 (Arnimallee 3-5)
  • Methodology for Clinical Trials

    • 60102001 Lecture
      Methods for clinical trials (Frank Konietschke, Carolin Herrmann)
      Schedule: Mi 14:00-16:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-19)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
    • 60102002 Practice seminar
      Practice seminar for Methods for clinical trials (Frank Konietschke)
      Schedule: Mi 16:00-18:00 (Class starts on: 2022-10-19)
      Location: T9/SR 005 Übungsraum (Takustr. 9)
  • Current Topics in Structural Bioinformatics

  • Current Topics in Cell Physiology

  • Current Research Topics in Bioinformatics A

  • Current Research Topics in Bioinformatics B

  • Current Research Topics in Bioinformatics C

  • Special Aspects of Bioinformatics A

  • Special Aspects of Bioinformatics B

  • Special Aspects of Bioinformatics C

  • Selected Topics in Bioinformatics A

    • 216221a Lecture
      Methods for investigating the RNA structurome and RNA-RNA interactome (Irmtraud Meyer)
      Schedule: block course: 20.02. - 24.02 and 13.03. - 22.03.2023; monday-friday, all day (Class starts on: 2023-02-20)
      Location: Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB); Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association Hannoversche Str. 28, 10115 Berlin, room 2.04 (seminar room)
    • 216221b Practice seminar
      Methods for investigating the RNA structurome and RNA-RNA interactome (Irmtraud Meyer)
      Schedule: block course: 20.02. - 24.02 and 13.03. - 22.03.2023; monday-friday, all day (Class starts on: 2023-02-20)
      Location: Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB); Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association Hannoversche Str. 28, 10115 Berlin, room 2.04
    • 216221c Seminar
      Methods for investigating the RNA structurome and RNA-RNA interactome (Irmtraud Meyer)
      Schedule: block course: 20.02. - 24.02 and 13.03. - 22.03.2023; monday-friday, all day (Class starts on: 2023-02-20)
      Location: Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB); Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association Hannoversche Str. 28, 10115 Berlin, room 2.04
    • Complex Systems in Bioinformatics 0262cB1.1
    • Computer-Aided Drug Design 0262cB1.10
    • Current topics in cell-physiology 0262cB1.11
    • Computational Systems Biology 0262cB1.12
    • Ethics and Policy Questions 0262cB1.13
    • Ethics and Policy Questions 0262cB1.3
    • Current research topics in Complex Systems 0262cB1.5
    • Advanced Network Analysis 0262cB1.6
    • Human Evolution 0262cB1.7
    • Special aspects of Complex Systems 0262cB1.8
    • Selected topics in Complex Systems 0262cB1.9
    • Network-Based Information Systems 0089cA1.13
    • Special aspects of Data Science in the Life Sciences 0262cB2.10
    • Selected topics in Data Science in the Life Sciences 0262cB2.11
    • Current topics in medical genomics 0262cB2.12
    • Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cB2.13
    • Advanced Biometrical Methods 0262cB2.18
    • Applied Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cB2.19
    • Medical Bioinformatics 0262cB2.4
    • Current research topics in Data Science in Life Sciences 0262cB2.5
    • Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cB2.6
    • Big Data Analysis in Bioinformatics 0262cB2.7
    • Complex Data Analysis in Physiology 0262cB2.8
    • Methodology for clinical trials 0262cB2.9
    • Data Science in the Life Sciences 0590aB2.1
    • Data Science in the Life Sciences 0590bB1.1
    • Advanced Algorithms for Bioinformatics 0262cB3.1
    • Applied Sequence Analysis 0262cB3.10
    • Environmental metagenomics 0262cB3.11
    • Current topics in structural bioinformatics 0262cB3.15
    • Methods in Life Sciences 0262cB3.2
    • Biodiversity and Evolution 0262cB3.5
    • Structural Bioinformatics 0262cB3.6
    • Current research topics in Advanced Algorithms 0262cB3.7
    • Selected topics in Advanced Algorithms 0262cB3.8
    • Special aspects of Advanced Algorithms 0262cB3.9
    • Advanced Biometrical Methods 0262cD1.11
    • Applied Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.12
    • Biodiversity and Evolution 0262cD1.16
    • Structural Bioinformatics 0262cD1.17
    • Applied Sequence Analysis 0262cD1.18
    • Environmental Metagenomics 0262cD1.19
    • Human Evolution 0262cD1.2
    • Current Topics in Medical Genomics 0262cD1.20
    • Computer-Aided Drug Design 0262cD1.3
    • Computational Systems Biology 0262cD1.5
    • Medical Bioinformatics 0262cD1.6
    • Machine Learning in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.7
    • Big Data Analysis in Bioinformatics 0262cD1.8
    • Complex Data Analysis in Physiology 0262cD1.9
    • Selected Topics in Bioinformatics B 0262cD2.8
    • Accompanying colloquium 0262cE1.2
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Subjects A - Z