SoSe 22  
School of Busin...  
Master Public E...  

SoSe 22: Master's programmes

Master Public Economics (ab WiSe 12/13)

    • Mikroökonometrie (Microeconometrics) 0258dB3.9
    • Steuerwirkungen (Tax Effects) 0334dA4.1
    • Einkommensteuerrecht (Income Tax Law) 0334dB2.4
    • Current Research Topics in Public Economic Theory 0353bB1.10
    • Current Research Topics in Social Policy 0353bB1.11
    • Current Research Topics in Empirical Public Economics and Economic Policy 0353bB1.12
    • Wissenstransfer (Knowledge Transfer) 0353bB1.13
    • Großbaustelle Sozialstaat (Reforming the Welfare State) 0353bB1.3
    • Empirical Public Finance and Economic Policy 0353bB1.4
    • Armut und Verteilung (Poverty and Distribution) 0353bB1.5
    • Special Topics in Taxation Theory and Policy 0353bB1.7
    • Special Topics in Social Policy 0353bB1.8
    • Current Research Topics in International Fiscal Policy 0353bB1.9
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Subjects A - Z