SoSe 24  
Biology, Chemis...  
Master's progra...  

SoSe 24: Biochemistry

Master's programme in Biochemistry

Last updated: 15. December 2023

Welcome Event for Master's Students
Attention! The schedule of the orientation days for the summer semester 2024 will be published on this website, that is being updated frequently:

Attention! If you have not received an invitation mail three working days before the OE, please write this in an email to Please use your ZEDAT address if you already have an account. Otherwise an email from your private account is sufficient.
For the beginning master students an additional orientation welcome event is organized the week before the start of the lecture period.
Detailed information can be found on the website of the students' initiative (FSI) biochemistry:

Last updated: 15. December 2023 

Tombola for Method Practicals

This semester the tombola will take place completely digitally using an online allocation system provided by the FU. Instructions can be found on the list of available method modules at this link: 
The deadline for submitting your preferences is on Wednesday, April 10th at 10pm.

Attention! You should have not received an e-mail regarding participation by April 5th. If not, please write this in an email to Please use your ZEDAT address, if you already have this account. Otherwise, a mail from your private account is also sufficient. We are also available for any questions regarding this process.

  • Free Elective Module (5CP)

    • 212505 Lecture
      Polymers in medicine and pharmacy - from molecular design to clinical application (Andreas Lendlein)
      Schedule: Blockkurs: 02.05. und 03.05.2024, jeweils 9:00-16:45 (Class starts on: 2024-05-02)
      Location: Hs 104a Hörsaal (Garystr. 21)

      Information for students

      If there is interest in this course, please contact Andreas Lendlein via email ( until 28/04/24 for further information.


      Die Lehrveranstaltung umfasst 1 SWS.

    • 21359 Lecture
      Nanotechnologie: Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien in biologischen Systemen, Aufnahme/ Biokinetik, Exposition und Toxizitätstestung (Andrea Haase)
      Schedule: Mo 10-12 Uhr (Beginn voraussichtlich 22.04.2024; Rückfragen bitte an: (Class starts on: 2024-04-22)
      Location: SR Chemie-24 (Raum B.-131, UG1) (Arnimallee 22)

      Information for students

      Bitte die Ankündigungen in Blackboard beachten. Rückfragen bitte an:


      Nanotechnologie gilt weltweit als Schlüsseltechnologie und Nanomaterialien (NM) werden in zunehmendem Maße in vielen unterschiedlichen Bereichen einschließlich der Medizin eingesetzt. In diesem Seminar erwerben die Studierenden Kenntnisse darüber, wie sich Nanomaterialien in biologischen Systemen verhalten, z.B. wie sich durch die Interaktion mit biologischen Molekülen ihre Eigenschaften verändern können. Die Studierenden lernen, wie NM in Zellen, Gewebe oder Organismen aufgenommen werden und wie sie sich dort verteilen. Außerdem geht es um die Untersuchung möglicher adverser Effekte durch in vitro bzw. in vivo Toxizitätsuntersuchungen. Neben gut etablierten Standardmethoden werden auch moderne toxikologische Untersuchungsverfahren besprochen, z.B. integrierte/ intelligente Testverfahren oder automatisierte Hochdurchsatzverfahren Die Studierenden erwerben zudem Einblicke in die Risikobewertung.

      Dieses Seminar beinhaltet die folgenden Themen:

      • Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien (NM)
      • Interaktion von Nanomaterialien (NM) mit biologischen Molekülen
      • Veränderungen der NM Eigenschaften in biologischen Systemen
      • Aufnahme in Zellen, Gewebe, Organismen, Biokinetik
      • Toxizitätstestung von NM in vivo und in vitro (einschließlich Ökotoxizität)
      • Expositionsmessung und - modellierung
      • Risikobewertung, Regulation

    • 216201a Seminar
      Biomolecular X-Ray Crystallography (Markus Wahl; Berhard Loll)
      Schedule: 27.05. - 07.06.24, Mon, Wed, Fri - 9:00 - 11:00 h + concluding seminar on 21.06.2024
      Location: Takustr. 6, Raum 323 (AG Wahl)

      Information for students

      Part of the method module "Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie". It is possible to attend this module-part as a theoretical module in the field of structural biochemistry.


      odul: Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie
      Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
      Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
      Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine

      Qualifikationsziele: Die Studentinnen und Studenten lernen Verfahren für die Präparation von biologischen Makromolekülen und für die Strukturanalyse kennen. Sie eignen sich theoretische Grundlagen zu Verfahren der makromolekularen Strukturanalyse an. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können makromolekulare Eigenschaften, die für die Strukturanalyse eine Rolle spielen, beurteilen. Sie können Manuskripte, in denen makromolekulare Strukturen und Strukturanalysen beschrieben werden, kritisch erfassen und die Qualität von makromolekularen Strukturen beurteilen. Inhalte: Herstellung einer Probe eines biologischen Makromoleküls für die Strukturanalyse; Bioinformatische, biochemische oder biophysikalische Charakterisierung eines biologischen Makromoleküls; Durchführung eines oder mehrerer Verfahren zur Strukturanalyse; Strukturbeschreibung und graphische Darstellung von Strukturen; Präsentation strukturbiologischer Experimente und Ergebnisse.
      Inhalt des Seminars:

      • Protein production and characterization
      • Protein crystallization and protein crystals
      • Crystallographic symmetry
      • X-ray diffraction theory
      • The phase problem and phasing strategies
      • Electron density, model building, refinement, validation

      Concluding seminar on 21.06.24
      Prof. Dr. M. Wahl:
      Dr. B. Loll:

    • 216201b Seminar
      Advanced X-Ray Crystallography (Oliver Daumke, Bernhard Loll, Gert Weber, Manfred Weiss)
      Schedule: 10.06. -14.06.24 and 17.06.-20.06.24, Mon, Wed, Fri - 9:00 - 11:00 h + concluding seminar on 21.06.2024
      Location: siehe Zusatzinformationen

      Information for students

      Sub-module of the methods course "Fundamentals of Structural Biochemistry"

      Additional information / Pre-requisites

      The course will take place at the HZB/Bessy from 10.06. -14.06.24 and at the MDC from 17.06.-20.06.24.

      The exact dates and places (HZB/BESSY and MDC) upon request (both are planned individual from each group and are dependant on the process of the experiments).

      Concluding seminar on 21.06.2024


      Methodenmodul: Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie
      Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
      Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
      Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine
      Qualifikationsziele: Die Studentinnen und Studenten lernen Verfahren für die Präparation von biologischen Makromolekülen und für die Strukturanalyse kennen. Sie eignen sich theoretische Grundlagen zu Verfahren der makromolekularen Strukturanalyse an. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können makromolekulare Eigenschaften, die für die Strukturanalyse eine Rolle spielen, beurteilen. Sie können Manuskripte, in denen makromolekulare Strukturen und Strukturanalysen beschrieben werden, kritisch erfassen und die Qualität von makromolekularen Strukturen beurteilen. Inhalte: Herstellung einer Probe eines biologischen Makromoleküls für die Strukturanalyse; Bioinformatische, biochemische oder biophysikalische Charakterisierung eines biologischen Makromoleküls; Durchführung eines oder mehrerer Verfahren zur Strukturanalyse; Strukturbeschreibung und graphische Darstellung von Strukturen; Präsentation strukturbiologischer Experimente und Ergebnisse.
      Inhalt des Seminars:

      • Synchrotron radiation
      • Linux and vi
      • Data collection strategies
      • Data processing using XDS and XDSAPP
      • Data quality indicators
      • Structure solution
      • Refinement
      • Electron density
      • Model building
      • Structure validation

      Dr. M. Weiss:
      Prof. Dr. O. Daumke:
      Dr. B. Loll:

    • 216202a Seminar
      Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy (Helge Ewers, Bas van Bommel)
      Schedule: Block seminar: 24.06. - 05.07.2024; 9:00 h
      Location: Thielallee 63, Seminarraum Anbau

      Information for students

      This seminar is one part of the methods course "Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy" and takes place in parallel to the practical course. The seminar can be taken as theoretical module for the area structural biochemistry.


      Learning aims: The students will develop an overview of the capabilities of modern light microscopy and a basic understanding of the role of sample preparation and imaging in the formation of quantitative digital data. The students will get insight into the basics of computational image analysis and how data can be extracted from digital image data. The students will learn how to analyze digital images and how to recognize and avoid mistakes in image analysis. Contents: - Fundamentals of fluorescence microscopy - Basics of digital imaging - Fundamental image analysis - Special methods in microscopy - Single molecule microscopy - superresolution microscopy - Fluorescence resonant energy transfer - Machine learning in image analysis Prof. Dr. H. Ewers: Dr. Bas van Bommel:

    • 216202b Laboratory Course
      Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy (Helge Ewers, Bas van Bommel)
      Schedule: Block course: 24.06. - 05.07.2024; all-day (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 106a (AG Ewers)

      Information for students

      Practical part of the methods course "Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy". The seminar is required to take part in the practical.


      Learning aims: The students will generate samples for fluorescence microscopy and acquire images at the confocal and single molecule microscope. They will execute a number of experiments and analyze the acquired data using image J and other software. The students will train a deep-learning model and analyze the data they acquired themselves in superresolution microscopy. The students will critically evaluate the capabilities of modern microscopy techniques from literature research and present them to their peers. Contents: • Live-cell microscopy • Image generation, resolution and point-spread function • Background, Noise, extraktion of quantitative data • Use of Image J • Fluorescence-Recovery after Photobleaching • Single molecule superresolution microscopy • Image analysis with Deep-Learning Prof. Dr. H. Ewers: Dr. Bas van Bommel:

    • 216211a Seminar
      Biological NMR Spectroscopy (Sigrid Milles, Hartmut Oschkinat)
      Schedule: Block seminar and practical course S/P : 16.09. - 27.09.2024, Seminar: 9:00 - 10:00 h
      Location: Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) , Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Gebäude 81, EG, großer Seminarraum


      Methodenmodul: Strukturaufklärung durch NMR-Spektroskopie
      Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
      Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
      Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine
      Qualifikationsziele:Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über ein fundiertes praktisches und theoretisches Wissen im Bereich der NMR- Spektroskopie. Dies beinhaltet die Kenntnis der Gewinnung isotopenmarkierter Proteine und die Grundlagen zur Daten-Aufnahme mehrdimensionaler NMR-Spektren. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Auswertung und Interpretation dieser Spektren in Bezug auf mechanistische und biologische Aspekte.
      Inhalte: NMR-Spektroskopie, insbesondere die Grundlagen der Lösungs- NMR. Daten-Akquise am Spektrometer. Expression isotopenmarkierter Proteine. Aufzeichnung and Analyse von Proteindynamik und Protein:Protein Interaktionen.

      Dr. S. Milles: Prof. Dr. H. Oschkinat:

    • 216211b Laboratory Course
      Biological NMR Spectroscopy (Sigrid Milles, Hartmut Oschkinat)
      Schedule: Block seminar and practical course S/P : 16.09. - 27.09.2024, Practical course: 10:00 - 17:00 h (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch, Gebäude 81, großer Seminarraum (Erdgeschoss)

      Information for students

      The attendance of the seminar is a prerequisite for the completion of this module!


      Methodenmodul: Strukturaufklärung durch NMR-Spektroskopie
      Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
      Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
      Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine
      Die Studentinnen und Studenten verfügen über ein fundiertes praktisches und theoretisches Wissen im Bereich der NMR- Spektroskopie. Dies beinhaltet die Kenntnis der Gewinnung isotopenmarkierter Proteine und die Grundlagen zur Daten-Aufnahme mehrdimensionaler NMR-Spektren. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Auswertung und Interpretation dieser Spektren in Bezug auf mechanistische und biologische Aspekte.
      Es finden Seminare mit Beiträgen der Studierenden statt.

      Dr. S. Milles: Prof. Dr. H. Oschkinat:

    • 216212a Seminar
      Biophysical Methods (Daniel Roderer)
      Schedule: block seminar and practical course S/P: 02.09. - 13.09.24, seminar: 9:00 - 10:00 h, practical course: 10:00 - 17:00 h
      Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch, Gebäude 81, Seminarraum (Erdgeschoss)


      Contents: Insight into various methods of protein biophysics and structural biology, including cryo-electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and fluorescence-based methods. Seminars and supervision of practical experiments by various FMP scientists at the Campus Berlin Buch. Qualification goals: The students have a fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge of various biophysical and structural biological methods, their application and data evaluation. The seminars include contributions from the students. Information for participants: The course takes place with at least 4 participants. Dr. D. Roderer:

    • 216212b Laboratory Course
      Biophysical Methods (Daniel Roderer)
      Schedule: Block seminar and practical course S/P: 02.09. - 13.09.2024, seminar: 9:00 - 10: 00 h, practical course: 10:00 - 17:00 h; (Tombola – The distribution mode has been changed. Please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch, Gebäude 81, Seminarraum (Erdgeschoss)

      Information for students

      The attendance of the seminar is a prerequisite for the completion of this module!


      Contents: Insight into various methods of protein biophysics and structural biology, including cryo-electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and fluorescence-based methods. Seminars and supervision of practical experiments by various FMP scientists at the Campus Berlin Buch. Qualification goals: The students have a fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge of various biophysical and structural biological methods, their application and data evaluation. The seminars include contributions from the students. Information for participants: The course takes place with at least 4 participants. Dr. D. Roderer:

    • 216302a Seminar
      Structural Ananlysis of Supramolecular Architechtures and Proteins with Electron Microscopy Methods (Kai Ludwig, Tarek Hilal)
      Schedule: Block course 17.06. – 28.06.24 (9:00 - 18:00 h);
      Location: Fabeckstr. 36a, Raum 205 (Research Center of Electron Microscopy)


      The block course is aimed at students with an interest in research-relevant questions of structure elucidation on synthetic supramolecular architectures as well as biological macromolecules and introduces in particular transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in cryo mode. In the first part, questions of preparation, in particular cryofixation, basics of equipment design and function, imaging and evaluation, principles of digital image processing, and handling of transmission electron microscopes are covered theoretically and practically. The second part covers theoretical and practical aspects of modern structure elucidation by means of single particle analysis and enables the students to understand the formation of a high-resolution 3D reconstruction of a protein structure.

      Dr. Kai Ludwig:
      Dr. Tarek Hilal:

    • 216302b Laboratory Course
      Structural Ananlysis of Supramolecular Architechtures and Proteins with Electron Microscopy Methods (Tarek Hilal)
      Schedule: Block course 17.06. – 28.06.24 (9:00 - 18:00 h); (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.) (Class starts on: 2024-06-25)
      Location: PC-Pool Chemie (Raum A.-106, UG1) (Arnimallee 22)


      The block course is aimed at students with an interest in research-relevant questions of structure elucidation on synthetic supramolecular architectures as well as biological macromolecules and introduces in particular transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in cryo mode. In the first part, questions of preparation, in particular cryofixation, basics of equipment design and function, imaging and evaluation, principles of digital image processing, and handling of transmission electron microscopes are covered theoretically and practically. The second part covers theoretical and practical aspects of modern structure elucidation by means of single particle analysis and enables the students to understand the formation of a high-resolution 3D reconstruction of a protein structure.

      Dr. Kai Ludwig:
      Dr. Tarek Hilal:

    • 216405a Seminar
      Mechanisms of Alternative Splicing Regulation (Florian Heyd, Marco Preußner)
      Schedule: block seminar: 17.06.- 28.06.24; begin: 17.06.24, 9:00 h, The exact schedule will be announced during the first course day.
      Location: Takustr. 6, Seminarraum 003

      Information for students

      The seminar takes place parallel to the laboratory course.



      • RNA world model
      • Properties of nucleic acids
      • Chemical synthesis of DNA and RNA
      • Purification of oligonucleotides
      • Chemical synthesis of modified nucleic acids
      • Structural analysis of nucleic acids
      • Small and large ribozymes
      • Noncoding RNAs
      • Antisense strategies and RNA interference
      • Design of aptamers and spiegelmers
      • Biochip developments with nucleic acids
      • Biosensors employing nucleic acids
      • Nucleic acids as novel diagnostics
      • Clinical developments with nucleic acid drugs
      • Abzymes and aptazymes
      • Protein design through display strategies

      Prof. Dr. F. Heyd: Dr. Marco Preußner:

    • 216405b Laboratory Course
      Mechanisms of Alternative Splicing Regulation (Florian Heyd, Marco Preußner)
      Schedule: block seminar and practical course: 17.06.- 28.06.24, all day, (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Takustr. 6, Praktikumsraum 001-002

      Information for students

      Participation in the seminar is a prerequisite for participation in the laboratory course.



      • Safe handling of radioisotopes
      • Chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides
      • Purification of oligonucleotides via HPLC
      • Purification of oligonucleotides via PAGE
      • Radioactive Labeling of oligonucleotides
      • Single-turnover kinetics on hammerhead ribozymes
      • Purification of target proteins
      • Synthesis of a combinatorial RNA library
      • Enrichment of oligoribonucleotides binding to a target
      • cDNA synthesis via reverse transcription
      • PCR amplification

      Prof. Dr. F. Heyd: Dr. Marco Preußner:

    • 216406a Seminar
      Gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9 for cell biology (Francesca Bottanelli)
      Schedule: block course 17.06. - 28.06.24; 09:00-10:00 h The exact schedule will be announced during the seminar.
      Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 321 (AG Bottanelli)

      Information for students

      The seminar is limited to 10 students. Please register via mail to: until 15.05.2024.


      The students will learn:
      • How to use bio-informatic tools for CRISPR/Cas9 technology
      • How to clone all the required plasmids for the insertion of tags into the genomic locus of genes of interest
      • How to culture and transfect human cell culture models

      Prof. Dr. Bottanelli:

    • 216406b Laboratory Course
      Gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9 for cell biology (Francesca Bottanelli)
      Schedule: block course 17.06. - 28.06.2024; 09:00 h, all day (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Thielallee 63, Rauminformation auf Blackboard (AG Bottanelli)


      The students will learn:
      • How to use bio-informatic tools for CRISPR/Cas9 technology
      • How to clone all the required plasmids for the insertion of tags into the genomic locus of genes of interest
      • How to culture and transfect human cell culture models

      Prof. Dr. Bottanelli:

    • 216407 Seminar
      Gene editing with CRISPR/Cas9 for cell biology (Teil 2) (Francesca Bottanelli)
      Schedule: Block course: 01.07.2024 – 05.07.2024, 9:00 h (all day) This module is only bookable in combination with S/P 216406a,b and has practical parts.
      Location: Thielallee 63 AG Bottanelli, 3. Stock

      Information for students

      Attention: The seminar and practical must be attended together with the course 216406a,b
      The open positions are given to the same students for both courses


      The students will learn:
      • Perform live-cell confocal imaging of various edited cell lines (Jurkat immune cells, HeLa cells)
      • Perform super-resolution STED microscopy of living or fixed cells

      Prof. Bottanelli:

    • 216461a Seminar
      Production and Biophysical Analysis of Selected Membrane Proteins Part 1 (Ramona Schlesinger)
      Schedule: block seminar and practical course S/P: 09.09. - 20.09.24 Seminar: 9:00h - 10:00 h (practical course: 10:00 - 18:00 h)
      Location: FB Physik, Abt. Genetische Biophysik, Arnimallee 14


      Content of the seminar:

      • Membrane proteins with focus on different classes of retinal proteins and their functionality
      • Different kinds of membrane proteins expression systems and especially those of the model proteins in the course (Escherichia coli, Pichia pastoris)
      • Biomembranes, nanodiscs, lipids, detergents
      • Different methods for directed mutagenesis via PCR
      • Protein purification procedures like chromatographies, selective precipitation, gradient and sequential centrifugation etc. with practical tips for the lab
      • Crystallisation of membrane proteins
      • selected topics e.g. membrane protein folding, interaction of (membrane) proteins, stalled ribosomes, antibiotics
      • Research projects in AG Schlesinger
      Dr. R. Schlesinger:

    • 216461b Laboratory Course
      Production and Biophysical Analysis of Selected Membrane Proteins Part 1 (Ramona Schlesinger)
      Schedule: block seminar and practical course S/P: 09.09.-20.09.24. This module can only be attended in combination with S/P 216462! (Tombola – The distribution mode has been changed. Please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: FB Physik, Abt. Genetische Biophysik, Arnimallee 14

      Information for students

      Attention: The seminar and practical must be attended together with Prof. Heberles' course 216462
      The open positions are given to the same students for both courses
      Interested students, without official placement, can have their names put on a waiting list (write to


      Content of the practical:

      • Expression of two membrane proteins in E. coli and P. pastoris system
      • purification via affinity chromatography (includes cell disruption with pressure, solubilization procedures with detergents) and gelfiltration on an Äkta system (demo)
      • protein analysis with UV/Vis spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE
      • sequential centrifugation for membrane protein purification
      • Directed mutagenesis by PCR (megaprimer method, QuikChange) and cloning into the expression host P. pastoris (contains techniques like digestion and ligation of DNA, DNA prep, electrotransformation, agarose gel electrophoresis)
      • Membrane protein crystallization trials in lipidic cubic phase
      • the generated membrane proteins will be used in the subsequent course 216462 of AG Heberle
      Dr. R. Schlesinger:

    • 216462 Seminar
      Production and Biophysical Analysis of Selected Membrane Proteins Part 2 (Joachim Heberle u. Mitarb.)
      Schedule: block course: 23.09. - 27.09.2024, all day; This module can only be attended in combination with S/P 216461a,b! (Tombola – The distribution mode has been changed. Please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: FB Physik, AG Heberle, Experimentelle Molekulare Biophysik, , Arnimallee 14

      Information for students

      Attention: The seminar and practical must be attended together with Dr. Schlesingers' course 216461
      The open positions are given to the same students for both courses
      Interested students, without official placement, can have their names put on a waiting list (write to



      • hands-on biospectroscopic experiments
      • dynamics of membrane proteins, chromophoric proteins
      • UV/Vis spectroscopy (quantitative, CD, time-resolved)
      • FTIR spectroscopy (difference spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection, time-resolved techniques, Fourier transformation)
      • Raman spectroscopy (resonance Raman, surface-enhanced)
      • high-resolution microscopy (super-resolution fluorescence, cryo EM, AFM, SNOM)

      The seminar also contains practical work.

    • 216501a Lecture
      Membrane Proteins: Classification, Structure and Function (Stefan Kubick)
      Schedule: Di 18:00 st. - 19:00 h (Class starts on: 2024-04-16)
      Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 230 (Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal)

      Information for students

      Registration for the lecture by email to: Then you will receive the access data. Classes 216501 a and b must be attended together. Their succesfull completion is obligatory for the application for the method module 216451 a, b!


      Biomembranes and synthesis of transmembrane proteins:

      • Molecular structure of membranes
      • Synthesis of biomembranes
      • Lipid rafts
      • Subcellular organization of the eukaryotic cell, cell metabolism and secretion
      • Protein synthesis

      Receptors and signal transduction:
      • Cell surface receptors
      • Signal transduction pathways

      Multigene families encoding membrane proteins:
      • G protein-coupled receptors (structure, signal transduction, agonists/antagonists)
      • Odorant receptors
      • Non-peptide receptors
      • Peptide receptors

      Ion channels:
      • voltage-gated ion channels
      • ligand-gated ion channels
      • mechanosensitive ion channels

      Methods in molecular biology and protein chemistry:
      • Production of membrane proteins
      • Cell-free protein synthesis (prokaryotic systems, eukaryotic systems, labeling)
      • Structural and functional analysis of membrane proteins

      Dr. S. Kubick:
      Fraunhofer Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie (IZI), Institutsteil Bioanalytik und Bioprozesse(IZI-BB) Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 13, 14476 Potsdam

    • 216501b Seminar
      Membrane Proteins: Classification, Structure and Function (Stefan Kubick)
      Schedule: Di 19:00 - 20:00 h (Class starts on: 2024-04-16)
      Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 230 (Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal)

      Information for students

      Registration for the lecture by email to: Then you will receive the access data Classes 216501 a and b must be attended together. Their succesfull completion is obligatory for the application for the method module 216451 a, b!


      Inhalt / Content:
      Intended for graduate students, this seminar will introduce the tools of membrane protein synthesis and their functional characterization. Membrane proteins account for more than 30% of the genome in living organisms and many membrane-embedded receptors, transporters and ion channels are important therapeutic targets. In this context, methodologies concerning the functional characterization, the structure and the biochemical properties of membrane proteins, their regulation and their physiological relevance are in the focus of this seminar. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems for the in vivo and in vitro expression of membrane proteins. The seminar gives a detailed introduction on problems concerning the interaction of chemical messengers with specific cell-surface receptors, the activation of signal-transduction cascades leading to the accumulation of specific intracellular second messenger molecules and the cell’s response to an external stimulus. Beside others the following topics are discussed in detail: Ligand-gated ion channels and their signaling between electrically excitable cells; G protein-coupled receptors, triggering downstream signal transduction cascades, thereby activating separate membrane-associated enzymes and catalytic receptors, acting as enzymes themselves. A critical approach to lipid-membrane protein interactions and the pharmacological properties of selected membrane proteins is also in the focus of this seminar.

      Seminar takes place right after the lecture (s. above)

      Dr. S. Kubick:
      Fraunhofer Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie (IZI), Institutsteil Bioanalytik und Bioprozesse(IZI-BB) Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 13, 14476 Potsdam

    • 216542 Lecture
      Emerging Viruses (Susann Kummer)
      Schedule: 29.05. - 31.05.24., 05.06.- 07.06.24, 12.06. - 13.06.24 - each 09:00 - 10.30 h
      Location: Online - zeitABhängig

      Information for students

      If you would like to participate please write to Dr. Susann Kummer:


      Introduction into principles of emerging viruses. The lecture will address the definition and description of emerging viruses and processes behind the development of emerging diseases. In the following examples of emerging viruses will be presented and their risk potential discussed. The topic of pandemic events, health care measures and ways to prevent and/or handle future pandemics will be part of the lecture series as well.

      1) Introduction, what are emerging viruses, what is an endemic/pandemic, history of pandemics and what we can learn from the past
      2) Influenza viruses
      3) SARS and MERS related corona viruses
      4) Ebola viruses
      5) human immunodeficiency viruses
      6) Mosquito-transmitted viruses (ZIKA, Dengue, West Nile virus, Chikungunya, Yellow fever)
      7) Emerging diseases in animals (risk potential for transfer to humans)
      8) Emerging marine viruses and conclusions, open discussion, Q & A session to virus research related topics

    • 216602a Seminar
      Molecular Immunology (Christian Freund, Jana Sticht)
      Schedule: Block course: 06.05.-17.05.24
      Location: Thielallee 63, Seminarraum (Anbau)

      Information for students

      The seminars are limited to 4 students in addition to the 6 students participating in the practical course 216602b. Please enrol via Email to:  AND
      until 24th April 2024.



        - Introduction to Immunology: Innate and adaptive immune responses

        - The adaptive immune system: B and T cells

        - The adaptive immune system: antigen presentation by MHC molecules

        - Investigating MHC-peptide complexes by NMR spectroscopy

        - Immunopeptidomics (Mass spectrometry analysis of peptide presentation)

        - PyMol to visualize and analyze protein structures

        Prof. Dr. C. Freund:
        Dr. J. Sticht:

    • 216602b Laboratory Course
      Molecular Immunology (Christian Freund, Jana Sticht)
      Schedule: block course: 06.05.-17.05.24 (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
      Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 016/018 und 025/027 (AG Freund)



        - MHC-peptide exchange experiments
        - Measuring the stability of MHC-peptide complexes
        - NMR of MHC-peptide complexes
        - Visualization of mutations and mapped epitopes in PyMol
        - Immunopeptidomics I - Affinity purification
        - Immunopeptidomics II - MS analysis and epitope prediction for T cell antigens

        Prof. Dr. C. Freund:
        Dr. J. Sticht::

      • 216611a Seminar
        Membrane Traffic and Signaling (Michael Krauß, York Posor)
        Schedule: briefing (online): 14.05.24 17:00 - 18:00 h;, Seminar: 29.05. - 31.05.24, 15:00 - 18:00 h , FMP
        Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch, Raum A2.16


        Seminar content:

        • Fundamental concepts of membrane traffic
        • Phosphoinositides in membrane traffic and signaling
        • Endocytic machineries, clathrin-mediated endocytosis
        • Regulation of signaling by endocytosis
        • Metabolic signaling / autophagy
        • Architecture of the presynaptic nerve terminal
        • Mechanisms of synaptic vesicle retrieval
        • Membrane contact sites
        • Methods to study membrane traffic and signaling
        • Cell migration

        Prof. Dr. M. Krauß: Dr. Y. Posor:

      • 216611b Laboratory Course
        Membrane Traffic and Signaling (Volker Haucke, Michael Krauß)
        Schedule: briefing (online:) 14.05.24, 17:00 -18:00 h;, practical course 10.06. - 21.06.24, 9:15 - 18:00 h, FMP (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. Please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
        Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch


        Practical content:
        Biochemical and live cell microscopy-based experiments illustrating aspects of

        • organization of the endolysosomal system
        • clathrin-mediated endocytosis
        • endosomal membrane traffic
        • phosphoinositides as regulators of membrane traffic
        • autophagy and its regulation
        • regulation of signaling by membrane transport

        Prof. Dr. V. Haucke: Prof. Dr. M. Krauß:

      • 216612a Seminar
        Chemical Biology: Protein Synthesis, Labeling and Function (Christian Hackenberger)
        Schedule: block course 22.04.- 03.05.24, seminars will take place during the practical course 216612b. First date: 22.04.24, 9:00 Uhr
        Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch, Raum A3.16


        Methodenmodul: Spezielle Methoden der molekularen Biomedizin

        Method course: special aspects of molecular biomedicine


        • Posttranslational Modifications
        • Protein Chemistry: Ligation and Modification
        • Protein Expression (natural and unnatural)
        • Chemoselective and Biorthogonal Reactions
        • Metabolic Oligosaccharide Engineering
        • Protein Labeling
        • Antibody Modification
        • Targeted Drug Delivery
        • Intraceulllar delivery and targeting

        Prof. Dr. Hackenberger:

      • 216612b Laboratory Course
        Chemical Biology: Protein Synthesis, Labeling and Function (Christian Hackenberger)
        Schedule: practical course: 22.04. - 03.05.24 (all day) First date: 22.04.24, 9:00 Uhr, room A3.16 (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
        Location: Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP); Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin Buch


        Methodenmodul: Spezielle Methoden der molekularen Biomedizin


        • Recombinant Protein Expression (natural and amber suppression)
        • Protein Ligation and Labeling
        • Peptide Synthesis
        • Cell uptake and Cell Microscopy
        • Proteomic Analysis (MS/MS)
        • Antibody Modification
        • Western Blot Analysis

        Prof. Dr. Hackenberger:

      • 216621a Seminar
        Analyzing musculoskeletal development in vivo (Sigmar Stricker)
        Schedule: 03.06. - 14.06.24, (The exact schedule will be announced during the first course day.)
        Location: Thieallee 63, Raum 121 (AG Stricker)

        Information for students

        Recommendation: It is recommended to complete module 216701 a, b "Introduction to developmental biology" before taking the methods module.
        Attendance of the seminar is obligatory for the attendance of the practical course.



        • Development of the musculoskeletal system
        • Animal models in developmental biology
        • Cellular communication during musculoskeletal development
        • Signaling pathways in musculoskeletal development
        • Metabolism in muscle development and maintenance
        • Control of gene expression during development
        • Genome-wide strategies to analyze gene expression, transcription factor binding, epigenetic signatures (RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq)

        Prof. Dr. S. Stricker:

      • 216621b Laboratory Course
        Analyzing musculoskeletal development in vivo (Sigmar Stricker)
        Schedule: 03.06. - 14.06.24, 09:00 - ca. 17:00 h The exact schedule will be announced during the first course day. (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. Please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
        Location: Thielallee 63, (AG Stricker), Information über blackboard

        Information for students

        Recommendation: It is recommended to complete module 216701 a, b "Introduction to developmental biology" before taking the methods module.
        Attendance of the seminar is obligatory for the attendance of the practical course



        • Dissection of laboratory mice
        • Tissue embedding, cryoconservation
        • Cryosectioning of tissue
        • Histological methods; Hematoxylin/Eosin staining, Oil Red O staining of tissue sections
        • Alizarin red / Alcian blue staining of skeletal preparations
        • PCR-Genotyping of genetically modified laboratory mice
        • Immunohistochemistry
        • mRNA in-situ hybridization
        • imaging of whole-embryo specimen
        • imaging of histological sections
        • imaging of fluorescently labelled tissue sections

        Prof. Dr. S. Stricker:

      • 216624a Seminar
        Advanced light microscopy and cell-based assays in biomedical research and neuroscience (Katharina Achazi, Marta Maglione)
        Schedule: Block course 03.06.2024 - 07.06.2024 and 17.06.- 21.06.24
        Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14199 Berlin, Raum wird etwa eine Woche vorher auf Blackboard bekannt gegeben

        Information for students

        UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 17

        Additional information / Pre-requisites

        Important Note: Persons that are pregnant, breastfeeding or immune suppressed are prohibited from participating in the practical part of this course due to the requirement of working under S2 conditions.


        This block course is intended for students with an interest in biomedical and neurobiological issues relevant to research. In particular, the course introduces advanced light microscopy and other cell-based biochemical and molecular biological as well as analytical methods. In the first part of the methods course, the analysis of cells and cellular processes as well as basics for the cultivation of cells, sterile work, preparation of cells and tissues including fixation methods, staining techniques and dyes especially fluorescent dyes as well as safety relevant aspects when handling biological samples are covered theoretically and practically. The second part covers theoretical and practical aspects of various light microscopic methods including fluorescence, confocal and STED microscopy as well as imaging and image evaluation, digital image processing and image analysis as well as the design, function and handling of light microscopes.
        Dr. Katharina Achazi:
        Dr. Marta Maglione:
        Location: Altensteinstr. 23a

      • 216624b Laboratory Course
        Advanced light microscopy and cell-based assays in biomedical research and neuroscience (Katharina Achazi, Marta Maglione)
        Schedule: Block course 03.06.2024 - 07.06.2024 and 17.06. - 21.06.24 (9:00 - 18:00 h); (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
        Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14199 Berlin, Raum wird etwa eine Woche vorher auf Blackboard bekannt gegeben

        Information for students

        Number of participants: 4

        Additional information / Pre-requisites

        Important note: Persons that are pregnant, breastfeeding or immune suppressed are prohibited from participating in the practical part of this course due to the requirement of working under S2 conditions.


        This block course is intended for students with an interest in biomedical and neurobiological issues relevant to research. In particular, the course introduces advanced light microscopy and other cell-based biochemical and molecular biological as well as analytical methods. In the first part of the methods course, the analysis of cells and cellular processes as well as basics for the cultivation of cells, sterile work, preparation of cells and tissues including fixation methods, staining techniques and dyes especially fluorescent dyes as well as safety relevant aspects when handling biological samples are covered theoretically and practically. The second part covers theoretical and practical aspects of various light microscopic methods including fluorescence, confocal and STED microscopy as well as imaging and image evaluation, digital image processing and image analysis as well as the design, function and handling of light microscopes.
        Dr. Katharina Achazi:
        Dr. Marta Maglione:
        Location: Altensteinstr. 23a

      • 216709a Seminar
        (S) Methods of Science Communication (Jerome Jatzlau)
        Schedule: Regelmäßig Mi ab 18:00 in Präsenz. Für weitere Informationen bitte die Lehrenden kontaktieren. Erster Termin: 17.04.2024
        Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 221 (AG Knaus)

        Information for students

        Seminar is open for both Bachelor and Master students independent of the semester. It is recommended to visit the course towards the end of the Bachelor studies or within the Master studies. Seminar will be on german or english. For registration send an e-mail to: with your name and your FU Student ID Nummer.


        Students will get to known key aspects of good scientific communication. Further they will get to know different creative methods to express and communicate their scientific results to peers and the broader public. From the different methods students should select two to further explore and apply to a topic of their choice. This could be used as a preparation for any lab presentation of a research project or using a topic handed out by the instructors.
        Methods include:

        • Science Slam
        • 3D printing of scientific models
        • 3D rendering & animation ( proteins, DNA, membranes, cells)
        • Memes as vehicle of science communication
        • Artifical intelligence for scientific graphic rendering

        Dr. J. Jatzlau:; L. Obendorf:

      • 216709b Seminar
        (P) Methods of Science Communication (Jerome Jatzlau)
        Schedule: In Vorbereitung auf die jeweils nächste Woche erarbeiten die Kursteilnehmenden eine praktische Kreativarbeit zu Hause. Der zeitliche Aufwand variiert in Abhängigkeit des jeweiligen Themengebiets. Erster Termin: 17.04.2024
        Location: Thielallee 63, Raum 221 (AG Knaus)

        Information for students

        Seminar is open for both Bachelor and Master students independent of the semester. It is recommended to visit the course towards the end of the Bachelor studies or within the Master studies. Seminar will be on german or english. For registration send an e-mail to: with your name and your FU Student ID Nummer.


        Presentation of the chosen project.
        Methods include:

        • Science Slam
        • 3D printing of scientific models
        • 3D rendering & animation ( proteins, DNA, membranes, cells)
        • Memes as vehicle of science communication
        • Artifical intelligence for scientific graphic rendering

        Dr. J. Jatzlau:; L. Obendorf:

      • 216711a Seminar
        Stem Cell Biology (Nan Ma)
        Schedule: 22.04. - 27.05.2024, every Monday, 15:00 -19:00 h (Class starts on: 2024-04-22)
        Location: SR PTC (Raum A.006, EG) (Arnimallee 22)

        Information for students

        Seminars 216711a and b must be attended together
        For application directly contact the lecturer: Prof Dr. Nan Ma:



        • Stem cell and regenerative medicine
        • Adult stem cell
        • Embryonic stem cell
        • Induced pluripotent stem cell
        • Stem cell niche
        • Technique of purification and characterization(FACS)

        Prof. Dr. N. Ma:

      • 216711b Seminar
        Stem Cell Therapy (Nan Ma)
        Schedule: 03.06.24 - 01.07.24 every monday, 15:00 -19:00 h (Class starts on: 2024-06-03)
        Location: SR PTC (Raum A.006, EG) (Arnimallee 22)

        Information for students

        Seminars 216711a and b must be attended together
        For application directly contact the lecturer: Prof Dr. Nan Ma:



        • The basic of stem cell transplantation
        • Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT)
        • Cancer stem cell and targeted therapy
        • Skin stem cell and their clinical application
        • Stem cell and cardiac repair

        Prof Dr. N. Ma,:

      • 216761 Seminar
        The Drug Discovery Process in the Pharmaceutical Industry – From Hit to Clinical Candidate (part 2) (Roman Hillig, Holger Steuber)
        Schedule: 02.05.23 - 26.05.23 Tue and Thu 08:00 - 09:30 h (Class starts on: 2024-05-02)
        Location: Online - zeitABhängig. Vertonte ppt und/oder Videokonferenz zur regulären Zeit.

        Information for students

        The seminar will be presented in English. Powerpoint with voice-over and/or videoconference at the regular time. Students can participate in the two parts of this seminar series (part I in WS and part II in SS) in any sequence.


        Comment: Drug discovery is a highly interdisciplinary process which involves project teams of pharmacologists, medicinal chemists, protein chemists/molecular biologists, structural biologists and computational chemists. The lecture series will provide an introduction to the drug discovery process as run in the pharmaceutical industry, from target identification and validation, via hit finding methods and the hit-to-lead process, to lead optimization, development and clinical studies. Emphasis will be on the contributions which protein crystallography and further biophysical methods (such as NMR, ITC and SPR) can make during target selection, hit prioritization and lead optimization. In addition, typical target families such as protein kinases will be discussed in the context of available crystal structures, and co-complex crystal structures with lead and drug molecules will be analyzed in detail: How do drug molecules interact with their target proteins, and what can we learn from their optimization process? The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drug discovery. Kontakt: Dr. R. Hillig:, Dr. H. Steuber: Content: 1. Introduction; 2. Protein-Ligand Interactions; 3. Target Class: Protein Kinases; 4. Hit-to-Lead and Lead Optimization; 5. ADMEtox; 6. Target Class: GPCRs; 7. PROTACs; 8. Chemical Biology

      • 216772a Seminar
        T cell/ILC Club – Immunological Basis of T Cell and ILC Functions (Andreas Radbruch, Chiara Romagnani)
        Schedule: every monday, 9:15-10:00 h. all year
        Location: DRFZ Berlin , Charitéplatz 1, Seminarraum 3, 10117 Berlin und Online - zeitABhängig

        Information for students

        Seminar is only in English. videoconference at the regular time 
        For registration please send an email to with your name and FU Student ID No. The Seminars 216772a and b must be attended together


        A series of scientific presentations in the frame of immunology and chronic inflammation, which will provide an overview about the experimental strategies of T cell and ILC research. The projects presented will cover the following main topics:

        • Signals driving the activation and differentiation of T cells and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs)
        • Mechanisms and niches of immune memory
        • Role of adaptive and innate immune cells in protection and chronic inflammation
        • Mouse models of inflammation

        Prof. Dr. A. Radbruch: Dr. C. Romagnani:

      • 216772b Seminar
        T cell/ILC club – Experimental Strategies of T Cell and ILC Research (Andreas Radbruch; Chiara Romagnani)
        Schedule: every monday, 10:00 - 11:00 h. all year
        Location: DRFZ Berlin , Charitéplatz 1, Seminarraum 3, 10117 Berlin and Online - zeitABhängig

        Information for students

        Seminar is only in English. videoconference at the regular time 
        For registration please send an email to with your name and FU Student ID No. The Seminars 216772a and b must be attended together


        A series of scientific presentations in the frame of immunology and chronic inflammation, which will provide an overview about the experimental strategies of T cell and ILC research. The projects presented will cover the following main topics:

        • Signals driving the activation and differentiation of T cells and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs)
        • Mechanisms and niches of immune memory
        • Role of adaptive and innate immune cells in protection and chronic inflammation
        • Mouse models of inflammation

        Prof. Dr. A. Radbruch: Dr. C. Romagnani:

      • 216880 Seminar
        Lise-Meitner-Kolloquium der Biochemie/ Biochemie-Kolloquium (Francesca Bottanelli, Sutapa Chakrabarti, Helge Ewers, Christian Freund, Lydia Herzel, Florian Heyd, Petra Knaus, Markus Wahl, Sigmar Stricker)
        Schedule: All year round Fr 12.30-14.00 - only after special announcement
        Location: Termin und Ort nach besonderer Ankündigung

        Information for students

        every Friday 12.30-14.00 - only with priorl announcement The blank forms for the confirmation of attendance:


        Prof. Dr. F. Bottanelli:
        Prof. Dr. S. Chakrabarti:
        Prof. Dr. H. Ewers:
        Prof. Dr. C. Freund:
        Prof. Dr. L.. Herzel:
        Prof. Dr. F. Heyd:
        Prof. Dr. P. Knaus:
        Prof. Dr. S. Stricker:
        Prof. Dr. M. Wahl:

    • Free Elective Module (10CP)

      • 216201a Seminar
        Biomolecular X-Ray Crystallography (Markus Wahl; Berhard Loll)
        Schedule: 27.05. - 07.06.24, Mon, Wed, Fri - 9:00 - 11:00 h + concluding seminar on 21.06.2024
        Location: Takustr. 6, Raum 323 (AG Wahl)

        Information for students

        Part of the method module "Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie". It is possible to attend this module-part as a theoretical module in the field of structural biochemistry.


        odul: Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie
        Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
        Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
        Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine

        Qualifikationsziele: Die Studentinnen und Studenten lernen Verfahren für die Präparation von biologischen Makromolekülen und für die Strukturanalyse kennen. Sie eignen sich theoretische Grundlagen zu Verfahren der makromolekularen Strukturanalyse an. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können makromolekulare Eigenschaften, die für die Strukturanalyse eine Rolle spielen, beurteilen. Sie können Manuskripte, in denen makromolekulare Strukturen und Strukturanalysen beschrieben werden, kritisch erfassen und die Qualität von makromolekularen Strukturen beurteilen. Inhalte: Herstellung einer Probe eines biologischen Makromoleküls für die Strukturanalyse; Bioinformatische, biochemische oder biophysikalische Charakterisierung eines biologischen Makromoleküls; Durchführung eines oder mehrerer Verfahren zur Strukturanalyse; Strukturbeschreibung und graphische Darstellung von Strukturen; Präsentation strukturbiologischer Experimente und Ergebnisse.
        Inhalt des Seminars:

        • Protein production and characterization
        • Protein crystallization and protein crystals
        • Crystallographic symmetry
        • X-ray diffraction theory
        • The phase problem and phasing strategies
        • Electron density, model building, refinement, validation

        Concluding seminar on 21.06.24
        Prof. Dr. M. Wahl:
        Dr. B. Loll:

      • 216201b Seminar
        Advanced X-Ray Crystallography (Oliver Daumke, Bernhard Loll, Gert Weber, Manfred Weiss)
        Schedule: 10.06. -14.06.24 and 17.06.-20.06.24, Mon, Wed, Fri - 9:00 - 11:00 h + concluding seminar on 21.06.2024
        Location: siehe Zusatzinformationen

        Information for students

        Sub-module of the methods course "Fundamentals of Structural Biochemistry"

        Additional information / Pre-requisites

        The course will take place at the HZB/Bessy from 10.06. -14.06.24 and at the MDC from 17.06.-20.06.24.

        The exact dates and places (HZB/BESSY and MDC) upon request (both are planned individual from each group and are dependant on the process of the experiments).

        Concluding seminar on 21.06.2024


        Methodenmodul: Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie
        Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
        Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
        Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine
        Qualifikationsziele: Die Studentinnen und Studenten lernen Verfahren für die Präparation von biologischen Makromolekülen und für die Strukturanalyse kennen. Sie eignen sich theoretische Grundlagen zu Verfahren der makromolekularen Strukturanalyse an. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können makromolekulare Eigenschaften, die für die Strukturanalyse eine Rolle spielen, beurteilen. Sie können Manuskripte, in denen makromolekulare Strukturen und Strukturanalysen beschrieben werden, kritisch erfassen und die Qualität von makromolekularen Strukturen beurteilen. Inhalte: Herstellung einer Probe eines biologischen Makromoleküls für die Strukturanalyse; Bioinformatische, biochemische oder biophysikalische Charakterisierung eines biologischen Makromoleküls; Durchführung eines oder mehrerer Verfahren zur Strukturanalyse; Strukturbeschreibung und graphische Darstellung von Strukturen; Präsentation strukturbiologischer Experimente und Ergebnisse.
        Inhalt des Seminars:

        • Synchrotron radiation
        • Linux and vi
        • Data collection strategies
        • Data processing using XDS and XDSAPP
        • Data quality indicators
        • Structure solution
        • Refinement
        • Electron density
        • Model building
        • Structure validation

        Dr. M. Weiss:
        Prof. Dr. O. Daumke:
        Dr. B. Loll:

      • 216201c Laboratory Course
        Biomolecular X-Ray Crystallography (Oliver Daumke, Bernhard Loll, Markus Wahl, Gert Weber, Manfred Weiss)
        Schedule: see additional information 27.05.-07.06.24, 10.06.-14.06.-14.06.24 and 17.06.-21.06.24 (Tombola – Attention: the distribution mode has been changed. For further information, please refer to the notice at the beginning of the course catalog.)
        Location: siehe Zusatzinformationen

        Information for students

        Sub-module of the methods course "Fundamentals of Structural Biochemistry"

        Additional information / Pre-requisites

        Additional informations:

        Part 1: Wahl, Loll
        Schedule: 27.05. - 07.06.24
        Location: Takustr. 6, 3. OG, Wahl group

        Part 2: Weiss Important note: Pregnant and breastfeeding women are prohibited from working on the storage ring (Part 2) due to radiation protection regulations.
        Schedule: 10.06. -14.06.24, Meeting point at 10:00 am at the gatekeeper
        Location: c/o Soft Matter and Functional Materials, Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II, Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin, Adlershof

        Part 3: Daumke
        Schedule: 17.06.-20.06.24
        Location: MDC für Molekulare Medizin, Robert-Rössle-Str. 10. 13125 Berlin (Buch), Seminar: MDC.C (Haus 83). Dendrit 2; Praktikum: Haus 31.2, Raum 0248 (AG Heinemann) (s.Vorlesungsverzeichnis)

        Concluding seminar on 21.06.2024


        Methodenmodul: Grundlagen der Strukturbiochemie
        Hochschule/Fachbereich/Institut: Freie Universität Berlin/Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie/Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
        Modulverantwortliche/r: Dozentinnen oder Dozenten des Moduls
        Zugangsvoraussetzungen: keine
        Qualifikationsziele: Die Studentinnen und Studenten lernen Verfahren für die Präparation von biologischen Makromolekülen und für die Strukturanalyse kennen. Sie eignen sich theoretische Grundlagen zu Verfahren der makromolekularen Strukturanalyse an. Die Studentinnen und Studenten können makromolekulare Eigenschaften, die für die Strukturanalyse eine Rolle spielen, beurteilen. Sie können Manuskripte, in denen makromolekulare Strukturen und Strukturanalysen beschrieben werden, kritisch erfassen und die Qualität von makromolekularen Strukturen beurteilen. Inhalte: Herstellung einer Probe eines biologischen Makromoleküls für die Strukturanalyse; Bioinformatische, biochemische oder biophysikalische Charakterisierung eines biologischen Makromoleküls; Durchführung eines oder mehrerer Verfahren zur Strukturanalyse; Strukturbeschreibung und graphische Darstellung von Strukturen; Präsentation strukturbiologischer Experimente und Ergebnisse.
        Inhalte des Praktikums:

        • In silico characterization of a target protein
        • Recombinant protein production and purification
        • Limited proteolysis
        • Biochemical and biophysical characterization of target protein (ITC, Thermofluor, CD spectroscopy)
        • Crystallization, crystal harvesting and cryo-protection
        • Derivatization of protein crystals
        • X-ray diffraction data collection at a synchrotron source
        • Data reduction
        • Structure determination (MAD, SIRAS and molecular replacement)
        • Interpretation of electron density maps and model building
        • Refinement and validation
        • Structure analysis and preparation of structure figures

        Prof. Dr. M. Wahl:
        Dr. B. Loll:

        Dr. M. Weiss:
        Dr. G. Weber:

        Prof. Dr. O. Daumke: