WiSe 13/14  
Earth Sciences  
Geographical Sc...  

WiSe 13/14: Geography

Geographical Sciences

Allen Erstsemestern des B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften wird der Besuch des Brückenkurses Mathematik (Lehrveranstaltungsnr.200000 und 200001), der vom FB Physik vom 30.09.-11.10.2013 angeboten wird, zur Vorbereitung auf das Modul B103 "Einführung in die Statistik" dringend empfohlen. Die Veranstaltungen sollen helfen, alle Studienanfänger/innen auf ein vergleichbares Niveau zu bringen. close
    • B101: Introduction to Climate Geography and Hydrography 0100cA1.1
    • B201: Introduction to Geomorphology and Soil Geography 0100cA1.2
    • B102: Introduction to Human Geography I 0100cA1.3
    • B202: Introduction to Human Geography II 0100cA1.4
    • B104: Introduction to Geographical Research 0100cA2.1
    • B103: Introduction to Statistics 0100cA2.2
    • B204: Geographic Information Systems 0100cA2.3
    • B203: Physical Geography Methods in Theory and Practice 0100cA2.4
    • B302: Human Geography Methods in Theory and Practice 0100cA2.5
    • B303: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis 0100cA2.6
    • B301: Special Topics in Geography 0100cA3.1
    • B401: Introduction to Regional Planning 0100cA3.2
    • B402: Project-Based Research 0100cA3.3
    • B501: Regional and Applied Topics in Geography 0100cA3.4
    • B601: Integrative Geography 0100cA3.5
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