WiSe 14/15  
History and Cul...  
M.A. Global His...  

WiSe 14/15: Interdisciplinary and/or Inter-Institutional master's degree programs

M.A. Global History (2012 study regulations)

First get-together and information session

Dear Students, We would like to invite you to a first get-together and information session on how to organize your studies on Thursday, October 9, 2014, from 10am till 2pm in room A127 (first floor to the left of the main staircase, Koserstr. 20).

Liebe Studierende, am 09.10.2014, 10-14 Uhr findet unter der Leitung von Sebastian Gottschalk eine Einführungsveranstaltung für alle Neuimmatrikulierten des Studienganges statt. Ort: Raum A127, Koserstr. 20 (1. Stock, linke Seite).

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