SoSe 14  
Master's progra...  

SoSe 14: Law Studies

Master's programme in Business Law (2012 study regulations)

  • Advanced European Business and Competition Law (special areas)

    Horizontal and vertical competition restraints, European merger control, abuse of market power (discrimination, obstruction of competitors), European public procurement law, procedural competition law and administrative fine proceedings
    The content is presented in lectures and studied in more depth through e-learning.

    Qualification aims
    After completing the module, students have a broader knowledge of legal standards in European business law, in particular merger control and public procurement law. The students are able to apply the standards and to evaluate relevant legal issues.

    Examination: term paper (approx. 10 pages)
    Credits (ECTS): 5 close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Fundamentals of Regulatory Law

    Legal framework for network industry under European law, legal principles of regulatory law, similarities and differences between sector-specific regulatory law, relationship to antitrust law
    The content is presented in lectures and studied in more depth through e-learning.

    Qualification aims
    After completing the module, students know the principles of infrastructure regulatory law in the fields of energy, telecommunications, railways and water. They can apply their knowledge in the specialised field of regulatory law.

    Examination: -----
    Credits (ECTS): 5 close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Regulatory Law - Telecommunication Law (required elective)

    Technical principles, European legal framework for electronic communication, market regulation in accordance with German telecommunication law TKG 2004, customer protection, frequency allocation, legal protection against public authorities and courts
    The content is presented in lectures and studied in more depth through e-learning.

    Qualification aims
    Students deepen their knowledge of technical and legal aspects of telecommunications law already gained in the module Principles of Regulatory Law. They learn to apply this specialised knowledge directly in procedures, reports and decision making.

    Examination: term paper (approx. 10 pages)
    Credits (ECTS): 5 close
    Module with no course offerings
  • Regulatory Law - Energy Law (required elective)

    Technical principles, European legal principles of energy law, structure of transmission and distribution networks; effects of unbundling regulations, reasonable pricing, safety and reliability of energy the supply, incentive regulation, energy-related antitrust law, energy-related contract law and consumer protection
    The content is presented in lectures and studied in more depth through e-learning.

    Qualification aims
    Students deepen their knowledge of technical and legal aspects of telecommunications law already gained in the module Principles of Regulatory Law. They learn to apply this specialised knowledge directly in procedures, reports and decision making.

    Examination: term paper (approx. 10 pages)
    Credits (ECTS): 5 close
    Module with no course offerings
    • European and International Contract Law 0363cA1.1
    • Introduction to the Economic Foundations of Competition and Regulatory Law 0363cA1.2
    • European and International Business and Competition Law 0363cA1.3
    • International and European Legal Frameworks 0363cA1.4
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Subjects A - Z