WiSe 22/23  
Biology, Chemis...  

WiSe 22/23: Chemistry

Lehrveranstaltungen für andere Studiengänge

  • Bioinformatics (Courses for other programmes)

    • 21697a Lecture
      Methods in Life Sciences (Preußner Marco, Heyd Florian, Hochschullehrer*innen des FB Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie)
      Schedule: Lecture: Friday, 15:00 - 16:30 h Seminar: Friday, 16:30 - 17:00 h (Class starts on: 2022-10-21)
      Location: SR Chemie-24 (Raum B.-131, UG1
    • 21697b Seminar
      Methods in Life Sciences (Preußner Marco, Heyd Florian, Hochschullehrer*innen des FB Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie)
      Schedule: Lecture: Friday, 15:00 - 16:30 h Seminar: Friday, 16:30 - 17:00 h (Class starts on: 2022-10-21)
      Location: SR Chemie-24 (Raum B.-131, UG1) (Arnimallee 22)
    • 21698a Lecture
      Molekularbiologie und Biochemie II (Sigmar Stricker, Holger Sieg)
      Schedule: Do 10:00-12:00 Uhr (Class starts on: 2022-10-20)
      Location: Hs B (Raum B.004, 100 Pl.) (Arnimallee 22)
    • 21698b Practice seminar
      Übungen zu Molekularbiologie und Biochemie II (Holger Sieg, Sigmar Stricker)
      Schedule: Mi 13:00-15:00 Uhr (Class starts on: 2022-10-26)
      Location: Hs B (Raum B.004, 100 Pl.) (Arnimallee 22)
    • 21791a Lecture
      Chemie für Studierende der Veterinärmedizin, Biologie und Bioinformatik (Ulrich Abram, Carlo Fasting, Johann Spandl)
      Schedule: Di 10:00-12:00, Do 10:00-12:00, zusätzliche Termine siehe LV-Details (Class starts on: 2022-10-18)
      Location: Gr. Hörsaal (Raum B.001) (Arnimallee 22)
    • 21791d Internship / Seminar
      Chemiepraktikum für Studierende der Bioinformatik (Johann Spandl, Rainer Kickbusch u. Mitarb.)
      Schedule: Blockveranstaltung in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit 27.02. - 10.03.2022 (Class starts on: 2023-02-27)
      Location: Hs Anorganik (Fabeckstr. 34 / 36)
    • Physics (Classes offered for other departments) E50xA5.1
    • Biology (Courses for other programmes) E50xA2.1
    • Veterinary Medicine (Courses for other departments) E50xA6.1
    • Earth Sciences (Classes for other departments) E50xA3.1
    • Further Classes for Other Programmes E50xA9.1
    • Bioinformatics (Courses for other programmes) E50xA7.1
    • Mathematics / Computer Science (Classes for other departments) E50xA4.1
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