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Legal Notice in Accordance with § 5 TMG / § 55 RStV


Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Straße 16-18
14195 Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin is a statutory body under public law in accordance with §§1 and 2 of the Berlin Law Relating to Institutions of Higher Learning (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG) It is represented by the President (§ 52 BerlHG i.V.m. § 56 BerlHG).
According to § 89 BerlHG, the overseeing authority is the responsible department of the Berlin Senate: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie, Bernhard-Weiß-Straße 6 in 10178 Berlin.


Freie Universität Berlin
Office of News and Public Affairs
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin
Email: webteaam@fu-berlin.de

Legal Form:

Freie Universität Berlin is a statutory body under public law in accordance with §§1 and 2 of the Berlin Law Relating to Institutions of Higher Learning (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG).

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DE 811304768

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