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Career opportunities in the Berlin startup scene

12.09.2019 | 17:00 - 19:00

The Berlin startup scene is booming. How can candidates get access to this ecosystem? Which career opportunities can be expected? What does employment look like in startups? What skills should candidates contribute?

Startups are the driving forces of its economic growth, the founders come to Berlin from all over the world. Right from the heart of the Berlin ecosystems speakers of the Startup Association and the Berlin Startup Unit describe the most successful key areas, business models and key players.

In Kooperation mit dem Hochschulteam der Arbeitsagentur Berlin Süd

Zeit & Ort

12.09.2019 | 17:00 - 19:00

Ludwig-Erhard-Haus, Fasanenstr. 85, 10623 Berlin, Raumangabe bei Anmeldung

Weitere Informationen

Dozenten: Burkhard Volbracht (Bereichsleiter Talent Services), Carl-Philipp Wackernagel (Koordinator Berlin Startup Unit, beide im Team Berlin Startup Unit, Berlin Partner für Technologie und Wirtschaft GmbH), Paul Wolter (Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.)

Anmeldung bis zum 9. September 2019 per E-Mail an: Berlin-Sued.Hochschulteam@arbeitsagentur.de