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Vortrag | Chronotopic Identities: Narrating Made in Italy across Spatiotemporal Scales

12.05.2022 | 16:15

Vortrag von Prof. Sabina M. Perrino (Binghamton University/State University of New York)

Chronotopic Identities: Narrating Made in Italy across Spatiotemporal Scales

Prof. Sabina M. Perrino (Binghamton University/State University of New York)

Einführung und Moderation: Dr. Marta Lupica Spagnolo (Universität Potsdam)

In englischer Sprache


In Kooperation mit der Universität Potsdam

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Über den Vortrag:

The potential that narratives have to transport storytellers and audiences across time and space has made them fertile sites to study temporal and spatial effects in many disciplines. Through an analysis of a corpus of oral narratives that prof. Perrino collected in Northern Italy, in this talk she will extend Bakhtin’s (1981) notion of literary chronotopes to empirical real-time oral narratives as they emerge in northern Italian executives’ interactions. In particular, she will examine how collective identities are (co)constructed in interview settings through the various chronotopic stances that these executives take vis-à-vis their corporate world and across various spatiotemporal scales (Perrino & Kohler 2020). By bridging the latest theories on the Bakhtinian chronotope with a more recent multiscalar approach, prof. Perrino will also show how theories and methods in linguistic anthropology (Perrino & Pritzker 2022) and sociolinguistics could be usefully applied in the Italian business world.

References Cited

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. 1981. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Perrino, Sabina & Gregory Kohler. 2020. “Chronotopic Identities: Narrating Made in Italy Across Spatiotemporal Scales.” Language & Communication 70 94–106.

Perrino, Sabina M. & Sonya E. Pritzker, eds. 2022. Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.

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Zeit & Ort

12.05.2022 | 16:15
