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The Future of Development: Which Way for Africa?

24.01.2024 | 18:00 - 19:30
Ahunna Eziakonwa

Ahunna Eziakonwa
Bildquelle: UNDP

UNDP Regional Director for Africa Ahunna Eziakonwa to Speak at Freie Universität Berlin

Are you interested in international relations and development in Africa? Do you want to learn more about the United Nations Development Programme’s work?

The world is changing rapidly and new developments such as climate change, growing inequalities, political instability, or the loss of biodiversity present the United Nations with significant challenges. The UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa will reflect on these issues in the context of this unique continent and provide exciting insights into its work in a special event featuring UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa, Ahunna Eziakonwa.

Eziakonwa will give a keynote speech on “The Future of Development: Which Way for Africa?” covering all six impact areas of the UNDP portfolio in Africa: structural economic change, governance of natural resources, climate, energy, youth and women empowerment, peace and security.

The speech will be followed by a discussion with Professor Anja Osei (Otto Suhr Institute, Freie Universität Berlin) and Melanie Hauenstein (Director of UNDP Germany Representation Office), as well as a Q&A session with the audience. The event will be moderated by Dr. Herbert Grieshop (Director of the International Office, Freie Universität Berlin).
The event is open to the public; prior registration is not required.

Link(s) zu weiteren Informationen:


  • Freie Universität Berlin – Office of Communication and Marketing and UNDP Germany Representation Office – Berlin
  • E-Mail-Adresse: event@kum.fu-berlin.de

Zeit & Ort

24.01.2024 | 18:00 - 19:30

Lecture Hall A, Henry Ford Building, Freie Universität Berlin (Garystr. 35, 14195 Berlin)