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Momentous Discovery in Dahlem

In 1938 chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Straßmann observed nuclear fission – Physicist Lise Meitner provided the explanation, and Otto Hahn won a Nobel Prize.

Dec 22, 2021

Pioneer of Intersectionality

In the Berlin Southern Theory Lecture the Afro-Brazilian philosopher Djamila Ribeiro spoke about the gaps in “democracia racial” and the myth of cheerful post-ethnic coexistence in Brazil.

Dec 20, 2021

The Role of Chance in the Development of the Brain

Emmy Noether Fellow and Group Leader Gerit Linneweber investigates individuality using the fruit fly

Dec 08, 2021

The Euro Is Turning Twenty

The euro first became legal tender in twelve European Union member states almost twenty years ago

Nov 19, 2021

Volunteer Fire Brigade for the Climate

The Environmental Policy Research Centre at Freie Universität supports small towns in taking measures to adapt to climate change

Nov 17, 2021

Helpful Right from the Beginning

Psychologist Moritz Köster conducts research on why toddlers offer their help to others

Oct 26, 2021

When the Weather Turns into a Disaster

Floods on the Ahr and Wupper rivers triggered new fears: How often do we have to expect extreme weather in the future? Can the consequences of climate change be limited? Research at the Institute of Meteorology provides some answers.

Oct 25, 2021

Growing Knowledge in the Botanic Garten

The Botanic Garden of the future will be linked with the world: Digitizing the herbarium will facilitate important insights into preserving biodiversity

Oct 22, 2021

An Italian Icon

This year marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, one of the most important Italian poets and philosophers of all time

Sep 14, 2021

“The Effects of Colonialism Are Still Felt in Our Lives Today”

The recently launched digital platform “Affect and Colonialism Web Lab” touches on many issues, from the Black Lives Matter movement to migration

Sep 03, 2021