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Research stays for preparing AvH-Fellowship applications

With the aim of promoting the internationalization of research at Freie Universität Berlin, Division IV: International Affairs offers FUB Professors financial support for inviting potential AvH Fellows to FUB to jointly prepare an AvH Fellowship application. The purpose of this measure is to increase the number of AvH Fellows at FUB.

Funding consists of a monthly lump sum for stay of 2,000 euros (maximum of one month) and a travel allowance. Only FUB professors can apply.

Please submit the application form, a CV of the prospective AvH Fellow, and a working program for the stay at Freie Universität to Dr. Benjamin Langer, benjamin.langer@fu-berlin.de.

Applicants are required to submit a project report to Division IV: International Affairs within six weeks of project completion.



Dr. Benjamin Langer, +49 30 838-734 49, email: benjamin.langer@fu-berlin.de