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Welcome Services for Visiting Scholars and Scientists

Every year a large number of top international researchers and instructors come as guests to Freie Universität Berlin.
In order to assist you with the various administrative tasks before and during your stay, please register here.

Before you arrive

As a general rule, visiting scholars and scientists from other countries need a visa to enter Germany. This section contains information on the subjects of visas and residence permits and the services we offer in this area.

During your stay

After arriving in Berlin, you will have various dealings with government agencies and additional steps to complete, depending on your country of origin and the purpose of your stay. The most common tasks are...

At the end of your stay

When you are leaving Berlin, too, there are a number of things to do that may not occur to visitors, such as de-registering as Berlin residents. This section provides information on things you should definitely bear in mind.

Advice for hosts

The Welcome Center provides assistance with matters having to do with visas and interactions with government agencies, not only for guests of Freie Universität, but also for their hosts within the departments and at other institutions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We’re here to help!