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How am I insured? What additional insurance should I take out?

Employees of Freie Universität Berlin are covered by accident insurance at the Unfallkasse Berlin free of charge. This insurance coverage also applies to approved business trips, but even on business trips only during official business.

Since the mobility grant provider (neither the EU Commission nor the DAAD Bonn or Freie Universität Berlin) is not liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with the Erasmus stay abroad, it is generally recommended to take out the following insurances for the duration of the stay abroad:

- Travel insurance (including repatriation from abroad), if applicable,
- liability insurance (professional and personal liability, if applicable),
- insurance for accidents and serious illnesses (including full or partial incapacity for work),
- Life insurance (including repatriation from abroad).

All participants in the Erasmus+ program have the possibility to be included in the group insurance of the DAAD, which offers comprehensive insurance coverage. For more information, please visit www.daad.de/versicherung.