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Erasmus+ Stays Worldwide for Continuing Professional Development

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Not only students and teaching staff, but also administrative employees can benefit from continuing professional development abroad. Under the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility program of the European Commission, staff can apply to participate in training and further education at selected partner universities worldwide.

This activity promotes the professional development of university staff through training activities (other than conferences) and job shadowing at partner universities.


1. What conditions apply for Erasmus+ training and education opportunities outside Europe?

2. Which Erasmus+ worldwide partnerships are currently in place (however, funding may not be available at all partners)?

3. Which places can I currently apply for and how do I apply for funding?


4. How much funding is available for my Erasmus+ host country?

5. Can apply for any special funding?

6. What criteria are used to select grant recipients?


7. How can I prepare myself interculturally for a stay abroad?

8. Which language courses can I take in preparation?

During mobility

9. How am I insured during my stay abroad? What additional insurance should I take out?

10. What obligations do I have as a grant recipient?

Further information

11. Contact

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.