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Joint Seed Funding Freie Universität Berlin / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Please note: due to the current security situation all calls are subject to any further developments. News and updates will be published on this website and distributed via our mailing list: https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/fub-huji.

With the goal of advancing German-Israeli academic cooperation in research and teaching, Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) have established a joint seed funding scheme to enable FUB and HUJI faculty and researchers to identify complementary strengths, facilitate the use of synergies, and promote the development of outstanding future research and teaching projects.

If you are interested in current calls and information in the framework of the strategic partnership you can sign up to our mailing list: https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/fub-huji.

Joint Seed Funding Online Courses 2024/2025

Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), are pleased to announce the 4th Call for Joint Online Courses. Launched in 2021 through the German-Israeli Virtual Campus (GIVCA) initiative, the project aims to foster the development of joint digital and blended learning, teaching and mobility formats for the benefit of students at both institutions.

The reality of online learning has significantly increased the relevance of and experience with joint international online courses as a new and lasting form of flexible and sustainable international cooperation. FUB and HUJI are seeking pairs of academic staff as “teaching tandems” who will design and deliver joint online/digital courses that can be integrated into the regular curricula of both institutions.

Fields: Open to all fields. The activities may either focus on a single discipline or be interdisciplinary in nature.

Funding: Up to 6.000 Euro per joint course. Eligible expenses include:

  • Costs for the production of digital content
  • Personnel (on external contract basis, no honorarium for applicants)
  • Consumables
  • Travel expenses (these should not comprise the majority of project costs)
  • Subcontracting services by the service units at both FUB (CeDiS) and HUJI (Unit for Teaching and Learning)

Potential Course Frameworks:

  • Intensive short-term joint courses
  • Long-term joint courses (1-2 semesters)
  • Joint online lecture series
  • Other formats, especially blended formats combining on- and off-line components

All formats should include joint digital teaching and learning activities, i.e. lecture recordings, live sessions via web conference, use of online tools like wikis, blogs etc. These can include blended mobility as a combination of digital teaching and on-site teaching, i.e. workshops at either FUB or HUJI for course participants and/or PIs.

Concept, content and teaching materials of each online lecture or joint course should be developed on a “fifty-fifty-basis” by FUB faculty and HUJI faculty. Individual lecture may be prepared and produced (filmed, etc.) with the support of the local e-learning units at FUB and HUJI.

Please note: all teaching materials are to be developed and published according to the GIVCA style guide. Furthermore, please reference the digital teaching tools provided by both universities.

Timeframe: The proposed activities should commence and conclude during the 2024/25 academic year.

Participants: Courses will be open to registered FUB and HUJI students.

Teaching Load: Each lecturer should receive the full teaching load at his/her institution.

Given their expertise, consultation with the respective service units for e-learning (see below) before submission of proposals is strongly recommended.

Freie Universität Berlin: Team E-Learning, Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS), E-Mail: digitale-lehre@fu-berlin.de

Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Michal Ramot, Head of the Online Teaching Unit, E-Mail: michal.ramot1@mail.huji.ac.il

Application and Submission

Proposals should be jointly submitted by FUB and HUJI faculty in English using the online application form until 5 March 2024. Researchers should submit their joint proposal simultaneously to FUB and HUJI.

Freie Universität Berlin: Mr. Bertram Welker, Division of International Affairs, E-Mail: bertram.welker@fu-berlin.de

Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Ms. Keren Sagi, International Office, E-Mail: kerensa@savion.huji.ac.il

Selection Criteria: Funding for joint online courses will be provided on a competitive basis. Projects will be selected by a joint FUB-HUJI committee, lending particular attention to the following criteria:

  • Excellence of course proposal
  • Level of synergy between the lecturers, students and institutions
  • Contribution to the department’s/institution’s curriculum
  • Quality and sustainability of the digital/blended teaching and mobility format
  • Sustainability of the cooperation beyond the initial seed money funding phase

Joint Seed Funding Research

There is currently no open call. New calls are generelly published annualy each fall. 

Further information

Freie Universität Berlin: Bertram Welker, Division of International Affairs, E-Mail: bertram.welker@fu-berlin.de

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Alma Lessing, International Office, E-Mail: almal@savion.huji.ac.il