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External Funding Applications

The Division of International Affairs supports Freie Universität Berlin researchers who are preparing project proposals for funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or as part of the European Union’s Erasmus + funding scheme (see list of support staff for all programs (see list of support staff for all programs).

Support services:

•    provide information on funding opportunities
•    assist with formalities and give budgeting advice on the project
•    calculate personnel costs for the project budget
•    obtain the endorsement of university management
•    review project proposals
•    share expertise in international mobility


Dr. Benjamin Langer, Tel. 838-73449, benjamin.langer@fu-berlin.de or please check the list of support staff for the area in question.


If the funding organization requires that the grant application be endorsed by the university management (“Befürwortung der Hochschulleitung”), please submit the project proposal and the necessary supporting documents at least a week before the application deadline. If the project you are applying for requires co-financing, please also submit a declaration of co-financing (“Übersicht über die Eigenanteile”).
Members of the university are required to notify their higher education institution of any externally funded projects that they acquire. Please submit the notification form by the time the grant has been awarded at the very latest.