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Steps to take when dealing with material resources, mentoring compensation, and research expenses (DAAD/AvH)

Special conditions apply to additional funds allocated to hosts of research fellows and scholarship recipients when it comes to material resources and mentoring compensation through the DAAD and research expenses through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

In case of DAAD, the funding organization will send the host the appropriate form: the “Higher Education/Research Institution Application for Material Costs and Mentoring Compensation (Lump Sum) for DAAD Research Fellows” (“Antrag der Hochschule/außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtung auf einen Sachmittel- und Betreuungskostenzuschuss [Pauschale] für DAAD-Forschungsstipendiatinnen und -stipendiaten”).

The host should sign the form and, in the case of a new grant, return it to the Division of International Affairs at Freie Universität through the electronic project reference system, “ePA,” along with the following: Scholarship award letter/grant approval confirmation and, if necessary, an additional document with further relevant information (“Merkblatt zum Antrag auf einen Sachmittel- und Betreuungskostenzuschuss für DAAD-Forschungsstipendiaten”).

Please note that you do not need to fill out the form. Just sign it and send it along to the Division of International Affairs.

The DAAD forms must also be signed by the director of the Division of International Affairs, as the official representative of the university administration. The Division of International Affairs fills out further information required on the form before passing along the paperwork to the External Funding Administration. Their office will then set up a special account in the university’s budget system to manage the funds. They will also complete the form and return it to the DAAD.

In the case of a follow up grant and an existing fund, the application form does not need to pass through the Division of International Affairs. Instead, it will be signed by the competent staff of the External Funding Administration.

In the case of AvH research expenses, a different procedure has applied since March 2021. Here, too, the grant letter to the supervisor and the grant letter to the grantee must be sent to the Division of International Affairs through the electronic project reference system, “ePA”. The account details, however, must now be sent directly to the AvH by the academic host (electronically via the AvH portal). Please do not communicate the account details until the special account in the university’s budget system ("Projektfonds") in question has been set up, and be sure to mention the account number under "Verwendungszweck" (purpose of use) so that the receipt of the money can be correctly assigned by the main cash office!

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Benjamin Langer, Tel.: +49 30 838-73449, Email: benjamin.langer@fu-berlin.de.

You can find more information on the AvH’s additional funds for research expenses here (in German).