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Leitfaden dezentrale Erasmuskoordination



Provision of information for students

  • about the application procedure (contact persons, deadlines, documents, selection criteria, procedure after selection)
  • about partner universities regarding courses offered, requirements for studying at the partner university (especially language requirements, subject requirements, level of study), language of instruction, application deadlines and application procedure
  • on the recognition of credits earned abroad, conversion of grades earned and the corresponding responsibilities at the department / in the subject

Website design of all institutes and departments

Minimum information:

  • Responsible Erasmus coordinator(s) and, if applicable, other contact person(s).
  • Application deadline(s)
  • List of application documents
  • Information in which form (paper, e-mail) documents should be submitted where (name, address, e-mail address)
  • Publish selection criteria
  • Expiry after application deadline (when are applications accepted/rejected, further procedure)
  • Information on recognition and who is responsible for it
  • Procedure for online learning agreement

Please do not provide information on documents requested by the central Erasmus team or on finances and do not link directly to templates. → Only link to the central pages where the information and templates can be found.

Handling of the application procedure

  • Announcement of the exchange places via internet and if necessary notice board, Blackboard taking into account the expiring and new cooperations.
  • Notes contract renewals for the new Erasmus+ program generation 2022/23 - 2027/28:

Erasmus+ contracts (iiA) with partner universities are not yet available for all exchange places for 2022/23. Therefore, the announcement of these places and the selection for these places can only be made conditionally. You can view the status of each contract (residency opportunities) in the Publisher.

- To be renewed: PHS has not yet confirmed places/contract.

- Automatic Renewal: PHS has confirmed spaces/contract via email or PDF contract (iiA still needs to be completed via EWP).

- No information: PHS has confirmed places/contract, iiA completed via EWP (all ok).

  • January 31: Application deadline for study abroad in WiSe and/or SoSe (Charité: 30.11., FB Rechtswissenschaft: 1.12., FB Wirtschaftswissenschaft: 15.3.)
  • May 15: Application deadline for study abroad in SoSe (remaining places)
  • Determination of application documents at least: online application form, certificate of enrollment, letter of motivation, certificates of achievement (MA: BA certificate), proof of language proficiency, if necessary additionally: curriculum vitae, Abitur certificate, expert opinion, proof of internships or similar, etc. → Passing on the information to the Erasmus+ Outgoings Team: outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de 

    • Publication of dates and documents decentrally as well as centrally at https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/studium_ausland/erasmus/bewerbung/infos_fristen/index.html
    • Selection of candidates on the basis of the documents and, if necessary, by means of an Interview with documentation of the selection. An example of a criteria catalog for evaluation can be found at https://www.fu-berlin.de/international/media/erasmus_kriterienkatalog_Jul2015.pdf.

If, in exceptional cases, the contractually agreed quota of places is exceeded (selection of more persons and/or exceeding the agreed months) or the contractually agreed level of study is not met, the written consent of the partner university is required (informal contract amendment)
→ imperatively send together with the list of applicants by e-mail to Nicole Roehl (outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de)

  • By March 1 (June 1): written information to candidates about the selection made.
  • By March 15 (June 15): Ask candidates for written acceptance or rejection of the offered place

Retain application materials including selection record for the last 5 completed cohorts (2014/15 through 2018/19) and all current cohorts (2019/20 through 2022/23)


Nomination after completion of the application process

Nomination of the selected candidates at the partner university usually by e-mail, taking into account the nomination/application deadlines of the partner universities.

The following minimum information about the candidates should be included in a nomination:

  • full name (clearly indicate first and last name)
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality (mandatory for non-EU citizens)
  • E-mail address
  • Field of study (with ISCED according to contract, if applicable)
  • Level of study (BA/MA/PhD)
  • Period of the stay abroad (WiSe/SoSe, 1st/2nd/3rd term)
  • Duration of the stay abroad (1/2/3 semesters/terms)

In some cases there are other requirements from partner universities as to how the nomination should be made. Please proceed accordingly.

Procedure for central nomination (mainly via MoveON, formerly moveonnet)

Please report the names of the candidates in question by sending the list of candidates by email (outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de) with "central nomination" in the comment field to Nicole Roehl by March 31.


Partner Institution

Erasmus Code


Université de Paris (former Paris 5 and Paris 7)


Institut Catholique de Paris


Université de La Reúnion



Mater Dei Institute of Education



Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore



University of Iceland



Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Universidad de Sevilla


United Kingdom

University of Essex


If you know of other partner universities with central nomination (e.g. via MoveON, formerly moveonnet) that are not listed here, please inform the Outgoing Team.

After completion of the application procedure

  • Informing students about further steps to register at the partner university and about the further procedure at the FU (confirmations about the payment and amount of Erasmus+ funding, certificates of Erasmus+ study for BAföG abroad, reimbursement of semester ticket fees can be obtained by students from the central Erasmus+ Team Outgoings, provided that the list of applicants is available).
  • timely notice to nationals of third countries (non-EU) that a visa may need to be applied for.
    • Notification of all candidates by sending the completed Erasmus+ applicant list and, if applicable, additionally the SEMP applicant list incl. matriculation certificates by e-mail to Nicole Roehl (outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de).
  • Deadline: March 31 (June 25 if there are remaining places for the SoSe in May).
    • You will receive the applicant lists with your exchange places per academic year in advance by e-mail from Nicole Roehl
  • Please report any changes regarding the applicant lists as well as information about resignations to outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de at any time.


Online Learning Agreement

  • Coordination of the Online Learning Agreement (course selection and recognition) with the candidates.

(mostly in the summer months June-August) and if necessary during the stay abroad in case of course changes

  • Per semester, courses amounting to at least 15 ECTS must be taken at the partner university, including participation in the examinations of the partner university. This applies to all students regardless of the intention of later recognition at the FU/Charité.
  • Exceptions apply, for example, to doctoral students who, if applicable, do not participate in any courses and do not acquire any ECTS. Here, all activities planned at the partner university must then be documented in Table A of the OLA e.g. topic of thesis/Research activity, concrete details of planned research activity, details of supervisors on site, attendance of colloquia, workshops, etc.
  • Erasmus+ coordinators should only sign fully completed OLAs. I.e. Table A/A2 with ECTS data, Table B/B2 with LP data or a note if no recognition is desired/possible, if applicable supplement to the OLA with signatures of the recognition officer.
  • Each Erasmus+ student must prepare an Online Learning Agreement before the start of the study abroad program and submit it to the central Erasmus+ Outgoings Team as a PDF file by e-mail, duly completed and signed (if applicable, together with the supplementary sheet to the OLA).
  • Changes to the Online Learning Agreement must be submitted to the central Erasmus+ Team Outgoings no later than 4 weeks after the start of studies abroad. PDF files by e-mail are sufficient.
  • Further information can be found here: https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/studium_ausland/erasmus/dokumente/ola/index.html 


Recognition of study achievements abroad

Extract from the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027:

„Ensure that all ECTS credits gained for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility, are fully and automatically recognised as agreed in the learning agreement and confirmed by the transcript of records/traineeship certificate; transfer those credits without delay into the student's records, count them towards the student's degree without any additional work or assessment of the student and make them traceable in the student's transcript of records and the Diploma Supplement.


Extract from the Erasmus Student Charter:

“You are entitled to receive full automatic academic recognition from the sending institution for the activities satisfactorily completed during your mobility period, in accordance with the learning agreement.”



  • Student submits application to the department
  • Processing of the application for recognition of academic achievements in the department according to the established procedures.
  • Examination offices document the recognized achievements according to their previous system and / or by issuing a recognition certificate that meets the minimum requirements of the EU Commission, or directly in Table F
  • Examination offices forward the recognition certificates to the Erasmus+ Team Outgoings, Attn: Mrs. Roehl

Extensions of the study abroad

  • Any extension of the study stay is only possible within the current academic year.
  • The extension period must immediately follow the current stay.
  • An extension may not result in exceeding the maximum funding period (per study phase max. 12 months for BA, MA and PhD; 24 months for state examination).
  • Each extension must be requested by the participant in writing to Stefanie Erthner via e-mail to outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de at least 4 weeks before the end date according to the grant agreement.
  • The partner university (International Office) must agree to the extension in writing and confirm the extended period. This can be done informally by e-mail.
  • The responsible Erasmus coordinator at the FU must agree to the extension in writing. This can be done informally by e-mail.
  • The written approvals must be sent or forwarded to Stefanie Erthner at outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de.
  • For the extended period of time, a new Online Learning Agreement must be created and completely filled out and completely signed as a PDF file via e-mail to outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de before the originally planned end of studies according to the Grant Agreement.
  • In the second semester, students must also take courses at the partner university amounting to at least 15 ECTS and participate in the examinations at the partner university.

After receipt of all information and approvals, confirmation by Ms. Erthner of the extension of the funding period and the extension of the financial support will be sent directly to the student. There is no entitlement to the financial support for the extended period.