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Sustainability is an overarching concern of the Erasmus+ programme.

Sustainability is an overarching concern of the Erasmus+ programme.
Image Credit: Akil Mazumder, Pexels

Sustainability is an overarching theme in the Erasmus+ programme cycle 2021 - 2027. As a central goal, the program is to be made fundamentally more sustainable. To this end, participants should be made aware of environmental protection, climate change and, with regard to mobility, sustainable travel in particular. The number of mobilities with environmentally friendly means of transport shall be increased and thus the ecological footprint of the Erasmus+ programme shall be reduced significantly. In order to achieve these goals, different funding instruments will be used.

Top-up for "Green Travel"

The "green travel" grant is available to student mobility participants (mobility grant without travel support) who use sustainable, low-emission means of transport for their travel:

Up to four additional funding days for travel that takes longer due to the use of sustainable, low-emission modes of transportation will be funded under the green travel grant.

Increased travel allowance for green travel

A higher travel allowance can be granted to participants who receive a travel allowance and use sustainable, low-emission means of transportation:

Real cost allowance "Extraordinary costs for expensive travel".

If the travel allowance (which is calculated according to the distance category for staff mobility, for short-term student mobility with fewer opportunities and for student mobility worldwide outgoings) does not cover at least 70% of the real travel costs for sustainable travel, participants can be reimbursed 80% of the real costs for sustainable travel.

Sustainable Travel Tool of the Una Europa University Alliance

The Sustainable Travel Tool of the European University Alliance Una Europa determines determine the most sustainable means of transport between the locations of the member universities.