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3 | 2018

Oct 09, 2018

Outstanding Research in Berlin

How Literature Reaches Out through Space and Time: The Cluster “Temporal Communities”, proposed by researchers of Freie Universität, wins funding in the German Excellence Strategy.

Four clusters for Freie Universität - the three major Berlin universities and Charité can now submit joint proposal for Universities of Excellence funding line

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Far-reaching Love

Pieter Cnoll und seine Familie

A historian at Freie Universität Berlin studies families in the early modern period who lived in long-distance relationships.

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Taking Our Forebears’ Measurements

A depiction of a deer hunt in the postglacial period in Cueva de los Caballos, a cave in Spain.

Eva Rosenstock studies the connection between nutrition and body size in prehistoric humans.

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Microplastics: Dangerous for the Soil?

Polyester fibers in soil.

First Experimental Study on the Influence of Microplastics on Soil and Its Microorganisms

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Researching Inequality Together

São Paulo is Brazil’s most important center of economic activity, finance, and culture. It is home to more than 12 million people from about 100 different ethnic groups.

A Merian research center founded in 2017 brings together European and Latin American research on coexistence in unequal societies – a report on where things stand

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An Encounter with a Water Buffalo

Fellow Tuvia Singer meets a young water buffalo on the zoo tour, which is part of the Armbruster Fellowship supported by the Berlin Zoo enabling doctoral candidates from the Hebrew University to spend time doing research in Dahlem.

Through the Ludwig Armbruster Fellowship, the Berlin Zoo supports doctoral candidates from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for a stay at Freie Universität – a visit to the zoo is also part of the program.

There aren’t many meeting rooms from which you can observe an elephant. The meeting room in the administration building of the Berlin Zoo is right next to the elephant enclosure, so Hilla Lavie and Tuvia Singer were able to watch bull elephant Victor, born at Israel’s Ramat Gan zoo in 1993, through the window as he slowly moved around the enclosure while they were meeting with zoo director Andreas Knieriem, who holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine.

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70 Years of Freie Universität – Time to Celebrate!

December 4, 1948: opening ceremony of Freie Universität Berlin in the Titania Palace.

Official Ceremony on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its founding on December 4, 2018

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