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University Preparatory Courses at Freie Universität for Refugees

Application period: July 6–22 / Online information events: July 8 and 13

№ 116/2020 from Jul 03, 2020

Prospective students with a refugee background can apply online for language courses and preparatory courses at Freie Universität Berlin from July 6 to July 22, 2020. The courses are part of the Welcome@FUBerlin program. People who are registered as refugees in Berlin and Brandenburg and who have a valid higher education entrance qualification may participate. This year the applications are being handled for the first time through the uni-assist portal for the course “Deutsch und Vorbereitungskurse für Geflüchtete – Welcome@FU.” There is no application fee, but the number of applicants is limited to 300. German language skills at the A2 level are required for the language courses and at B1 for the college preparatory courses. The two-semester program will start in September. On July 8 and 13, there will be multilingual presentations online about the program and how to apply.

The Welcome@FUBerlin program was set up in 2015 at Freie Universität Berlin to offer refugees in the Berlin / Brandenburg region an opportunity to prepare for studying in Germany. Each year more than 100 participants attend the language and preparatory courses. The program benefits from generous support by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Senate of Berlin.

In addition to language classes and targeted preparatory courses, the Welcome@FUBerlin program offers refugees an opportunity to audit some regular courses free of charge. They can make arrangements with the professors to meet the requirements to get credit for the classes, which can be transferred to a regular degree program, if they enroll later. The Welcome@FUBerlin also offers a so-called buddy program – students who help in various ways – as well as language tandems, free computer classes, and activities offered by the University Sports Center.

Further Information

Advising and Information Events:

Multilingual online information events about the program and how to apply: www.fu-berlin.de/en/welcome/angebote-welcome/beratung; Email: beratung@welcome.fu-berlin.de

Link to the Homepage


Article in campus.leben / Featured Stories