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Topics in January

Jan 14, 2015

“It’s wonderful to be able to help people with your research”

The Barzahlen team: Florian Swoboda, Achim Bönsch, Sebastian Seifert (left to right).

Successes for Spinoffs from Freie Universität / Millions Raised from Investors

They got their start not in the legendary garage, but rather at an incubator on the university campus – and they are extremely successful: Last fall alone, three spinoffs from Freie Universität received large injections of funding from investors to expand their businesses, which are already doing well. They received support from profund, the startup support organization of Freie Universität Berlin, as they took their first steps toward reaching the market.

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Insight into Ultra-tiny Dimensions

Professor Stephan Sigrist investigates, among other things, the architecture of synapses.

Researcher Stephan Sigrist Investigates the Architecture of Synapses

What controls the structures and functions of the human brain? And how can such knowledge be used for the study and treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, autism, or Parkinson’s disease? These kinds of questions have fascinated biochemist Stephan Sigrist (47) for many years now. “This is my life’s work, and it will probably always keep me busy, since we are constantly discovering new pieces of the puzzle,” he says.

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When the Strongest Joint in the Body Becomes Weak

Protection for the most heavily strained joint in the body: in many cases, you can avoid surgery through exercise.

How arthritis of the knee can be halted through a specific exercise regimen

It starts out with knee aches and pains when climbing stairs, and later on even a short walk becomes a painful ordeal. Arthritis of the knee is one of the most common degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

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