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Off-University invites audiences to "Off-Festival"

The event takes place on 25th March 2023 in Berlin and Online

News from Mar 21, 2023

For the first time, Off University showcases the work and people that are part of the wider network at the "Off-Festival", an experimental format fully accessible both online and offline. Off-Festival takes place on March 25th at Engelnest connected to the Off-University platform Coworkingsquares.

For further information to access the meeting online, please email mail@off-university.de. Please find the programme below. If you have further questions, you can reach out to Off University by email.

Off-Festival Programme [14:30-18:30]
„Restrictions for women and girls at universities, education centres and schools in Afghanistan“ by Shahpoor Enayat
Shahpoor Enayat is an education activist. With a focus on women’s rights, the Dari language, literature and culture, he prepared students for admission to the universities in Afghanistan and was also the author of the official entrance exams for all universities throughout the country. He is co-founder of several schools in Afghanistan, especially of two educational centres in Dashte Barchi in Kabul, a district which is primarily populated by the ethnical minority group Hazara, which where bombed by the Taliban and ISIS in 2018 and 2020. He taught literature on TV in a program called “Online Education” aiming at women who were otherwise not permitted to attend school.
Shahpoor will present in German with written translation to English, while we will have consecutive translation support from Farsi to English.

"A Multilingual Dictionary" by Hadis Yakubi, Shahram Ahmadi and Nagehan Uskan
As part of a workshop organised by Off-University and the explorative research project RePLITO, Hadis Yakubi, Shahram Ahmadi, Mehdi Darif and Nagehan Uskan have compiled a dictionary of words used in the Moria and the Mavrovouni camps to allow refugees to live together. It is an extraordinary documentation of the cruel everyday life in the camp and the human ability to live together nonetheless. It soon became clear that this multilingual language is shared beyond the refugee camps in Lesvos and that it would be worthwhile to collect more words. We have thus created a book in Wikipedia that we are launching today and invite everybody to fill in their content.
The dictionary will be presented by Hadis Yakubi, Shahram Ahmadi and Nagehan Uskan. The presentation will be followed by a discussion.

Discussion of “The End of Truth as We Know It: The Disintegration of the University Discourse” by Bülent Somay
At Off-University Bülent Somay is responsible to make us all re-imagine the university. His 2021 book “The End of Truth as We Know It - Five Essays on the Demise of Capitalism” (Transnational Press) is an analysis of how we ended up with such wretched academia and university. After his short introduction, we will discuss chapter three on the disintegration of the university discourse together to continue re-imagining another university.

Kitchen Project by Nevra Akdemir
Nevra Akdemir specialises in the research fields of migration, urbanisation, and gendered space of production and labour. She is currently working on “the kitchen” as a space where daily life is reproduced with a focus on the interconnections between gender and migration in the kitchen.

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