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Chunjie Zhang


Chunjie Zhang

Fellow of the Volkswagen Stiftung and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

August 2014 – July 2015

German Transcultural: Travel, Literature and Philosophy around 1800

Chunjie Zhang is Assistant Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Her current book project deals with transculturality in German discourse in the long eighteenth century and examines travel literature, dramas, German Robinsonades, philosophy of history, and geography. Zhang also works on German-Chinese literary and cultural relations from the eighteenth to the twentieth century and she is particularly interested in cosmopolitanism and the discourse of science. Zhang received her Ph.D. from Duke University and studied at the University of Tübingen (M.A.) and Peking University (B.A.).


In the summer term of 2015, Chunjie Zhang organized the International Conference: Global Approaches in European and Chinese Modernisms at Freie Universität Berlin.