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Staff Networks

Many people who work at Freie Universität Berlin belong to social groups that face structural discrimination. The university strives to foster a working environment in which all staff can express all aspects of their identities and life experiences, can feel safe and valued, can contribute and develop, and can participate fully. These goals relate to both individual and structural equity. However, members of minoritized groups often lack visibility within large organizations like Freie Universität Berlin. This doesn’t just mean that their experiences and perspectives are sometimes not considered sufficiently; it also means that it is not always easy for them to find others who share their experiences.

Staff networks at Freie Universität are initiated by employees who want to create a safe(r) space to network informally, share stories and experiences, have a good laugh, and plan activities together. They play a significant role in developing a work environment in which diversity is given due respect and thereby contribute to the achievement of the university’s diversity objectives.

Staff Network Objectives

  • Empowerment of employees who belong to minoritized groups by promoting networking and exchange (community building).
  • Increasing the visibility of minoritized groups and their needs within the university, thereby increasing awareness of and respect for diversity and reducing isolation among group members.
  • Promoting the participation of members of minoritized groups in the university’s diversity-related activities, including the incorporation of these groups’ perspectives in needs assessment and planning.

Establishing Staff Networks

Staff networks are established on the initiative of Freie Universität employees and form part of the university’s diversity working structures. The first staff network – Queer@FU – was founded in September 2022 (please see below for further information).

If you would like to set up a staff network, please get in touch with the Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office. We would be happy to advise you and work with you to set up the network. Each network then appoints its own small organizational team. Once set up, the networks function more or less independently.

Staff Network Activities

Regular informal get-togethers (“Stammtisch”) after work or during lunch breaks constitute the core element of staff networks. They serve as a safe(r) space for members to get to know each other, share their stories and experiences, and build community.

They also provide an opportunity for members to think about what is important to them and what kinds of activities they could carry out together, like excursions, cultural events in Berlin, or internal events like workshops.

The Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office is always happy to hear suggestions for areas at the university in which more work on diversity can be done, and will be regularly reaching out to these networks to get input from their members on important topics as well as inviting members to participate in activities – all of which is completely voluntary.

Please note that these networks are primarily intended for exchange among peers and do not provide specific advice or counseling (e.g. on issues such as discrimination, career development, or health). The importance and value of peer support cannot be overstated, but we recommend that you also get in touch with internal and external support services where necessary.



The Queer Staff Network aims to create a space for queer employees at Freie Universität to network informally, share stories and experiences, have fun, and plan activities together.

Membership of the network is open to people who identify as queer in the broadest sense of the word. That includes minoritized sexual identities and orientations and gender identities, as well as people who identify as fluid, questioning, or who are in the middle of a coming-out process or transitioning – in short, but not limited to, LGBTINQA++.

Queer@FU wants to help create spaces for queer staff to meet in a relaxing setting to chat and share their experiences. We hope to work together in proactive and constructive ways to reduce exclusion, isolation, and discrimination and to contribute to the empowerment of queer staff members. Along these same lines, the network wants to increase the visibility of queer employees at Freie Universität Berlin, while also helping to foster a work environment where queer and non-queer individuals treat each other with respect and care.

As a grassroots network, we want to work together with the university in productive ways to support other diversity activities. We will discuss our activities and formats together, ensuring that our experiences, needs, interests, challenges, and perspectives as queer employees receive the focus that they need.

To join the network, simply sign up for our mailing list: https://lists.fu-berlin.de/listinfo/QueerStaffNetwork. We’ll use it to send out information regarding events and meetings.

Contacts for the Queer@FU staff network: Kristina Lewandowski and Japhet Johnstone

You can reach us by email via the Diversity & Antidiscrimination Office: diversity@fu-berlin.de

If you would like more information on the objectives, regulations, and activities of Freie Universität with regard to sexual orientation or gender identity, please take a look at the rest of the diversity website. The translation into English is underway so that only a limited amount of content is currently available in English – thank you for your understanding! When the complete English version is published an announcement will be made via the Diversity@FU mailing list.


The diversity website is a work in progress, so your feedback or suggestions for content would be much appreciated: diversity@fu-berlin.de