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The Elsa-Neumann Scholarship Program

The Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship provides funding for doctoral researchers at the four Berlin universities. Scholarships can be awarded either as full scholarships to prepare a doctoral thesis (up to 36 months) or as completion scholarships for advanced doctoral research projects (maximum 12 months).

Funding Conditions

Doctoral researchers who are enrolled and supervised at one of the Berlin universities can receive scholarships according to the Berlin State Act to Support Early-Career Researchers and Artists (Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses).
To have a chance of success, an applicant's academic performance must be far above average, which is usually demonstrated by the final grade of their university degree(s). The doctoral project must be expected to make an important contribution to the candidate's field of research. Applicants are only eligible for an Elsa Neumann scholarship if they have not yet received public funding for their doctoral project. If an application has been rejected, candidates can re-apply a second time.

Scope of Funding

The scholarship amounts to 1,350 euro per month, plus a lump sum of 100 euro for research expenses. In addition, scholarship recipients can apply for family allowance and refunds for travel expenses. Full-time scholarships have a maximum duration of 36 months and entail mandatory progress reports and statements by the academic supervisor at the end of the first and second year of funding. Completion scholarships are granted for a maximum of one year and cannot be extended. Scholarship holders must devote their full attention to the doctorate for which the funding is intended. Doctoral researchers with care responsibilities or health restrictions can receive a part-time scholarship.

Selection process

Please find out more about the application requirements, necessary documents etc. in our information brochure. We have detailed the steps of the application process here.
Scholarships are granted based on the decisions made by the inter-university Committee for the Allocation of Doctoral Grants (Kommission zur Vergabe von Promotionsstipendien), whose members are appointed by the Senator responsible for Higher Education in Berlin.

Application period

There are two deadlines per year, one in April and one in November. The office will announce the exact deadlines (cut-off dates). Funding regularly starts in April or October of each year.

If you have further questions please contact our office via e-mail or phone. Office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am to 1 pm.