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Qualification at the DRS


The qualification program of Dahlem Research School supports doctoral researchers and postdocs of Freie Universität and the Berlin University Alliance 

in developing skills for their doctoral project and their career in research or the private sector.

Our worskhop offers are divided into the following program categories:

   Getting started
   Research Integrity
   Writing & Publishing
   Speaking & Presenting
   Mental Health
   Funding & Managing Research
   Career Development

All eligible paticipants are allowed a time budget of up to six workshop days or 48 units of work per academic year. In case of an unexcused no-show, the appropriate number of days will be deducted from their time budget. In the event of a repeat occurrence, individuals may be excluded from further participation. For more information, please see our  Terms & Conditions page.

For workshops held online, participation is allowed under the following conditions: a working camera that is turned on and a microphone to allow active participation in discussions and group work. Headphones must also be used to protect other participants from office eavesdroppers. In this context, we would also like to refer to the rules for digital courses at Freie Universität Berlin (Code of Conduct).

 Qualification Program and Booking here.