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BUA-Events Advancing Research Quality and Value Sommer 2024

Current developments in the BUA OpenX initiative (in German), online-talk, 29. Mai 2024 | 14:00-15:30 hrs

News from May 23, 2024

Online Talk | Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der BUA-OpenX-Initiative (Current developments in the BUA OpenX initiative)

29.05.2024 | 14:00 s.t.
Language: German

Vortrag im Rahmen des Online-Kolloquiums des Schwerpunktbereichs Advancing Research Quality and Value der Berlin University Alliance

The Open X initiative of Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value has been committed to anchoring Open Science practices in the BUA since 2021. In the past, the initiative has developed a mission statement for Open Science, which was adopted by the Academic Senates of all four BUA partners in November 2023 and comprises nine mission goals for the implementation of Open Science. In a brief update, the Open X initiative-team will present the status quo of the mission statement and current projects aimed at its implementation. The team looks forward to a lively discussion about the next steps to further strengthen Open Science in Berlin. The session will be held in German.
The colloquium is aimed at scientists of all status groups and interested parties from all scientific and non-scientific fields.

The colloquium is organized within the framework of Objective 3: Advancing Research Quality and Value. It always takes place on the last Wednesday of the month from 14:00 to 15:30.

Further information and meeting-link: https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/research-quality/events/2024/20240529-openx-status-quo.html

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