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BUA-Conference (In)Credible Research

Focus on current issues in Research Integrity

Wissenschaftskommunikation 4.0

Wissenschaftskommunikation 4.0
Image Credit: DRS 2018

Since 2015, Dahlem Research School has been hosting an annual Research Integrity Day for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers focussing on current issues in this area.

With the creation of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), this format has been discontinued and instead an international Early Career Researchers (ECR) online-Conference "(In)Credible Research", organised by doctoral researchers and postdocs and with high visibility, has been developed in the frame of BUA Berlin Graduate Studies Support.

In 2020, the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Conference “(In)credible Research - for Credibility, Integrity and Reproducibility of Research” took place in October as an online conference for the very first time. Approximately 150 participants  from a broad range of disciplines including medicine, physics, law, neuroscience, economics, and psychology, attended the conference. In 2021, the (In)credible Research-conference focussed on research communication, in 2022 the conference's main topic was SustainAbility of Science.

This year's ECR online conference (In)Credible Research is scheduled for October 12 & 13, 2023. This exchange of ideas will cover a number of highly fascinating and relevant topics for the early career researchers to which it is tailored. This will include the examination of four overarching subjects:

·         Conflicts of interest

·         Artificial intelligence as it relates to diversity and inclusion in science

·         Work life balance for young scientists

·         Fundamentals of statistics and how to apply them in your research

Further information: https://gss.charite.de/en/incredible_research_conference_2023/


ECR Conference 2022 (In)credible Research - SustainAbility of Science

ECR Conference 2021 (In)credible Research - Science and Communication

ECR Conference 2020 (In)credible Research

Research Integrity Day 2018 (in German)

Research Integrity Day 2017 (in German)