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Central IT Service Providers

Central IT Service Providers

Those departments that offer IT services to other departments or the entire university are referred to as the central IT service providers.








ZEDAT's task consists, among other things, in providing data processing, communication, and information technology to the different departments of the Free University of Berlin.

Services such as

  • setting-up accounts (e.g. request processing, extension, freeze, clarification of cases of misuse, user administration);
  • software (e.g. purchase, supply, consultation, support, sale, test and installation, up-dates, maintenance, inventory);
  • operation of direct and indirect communication services (e.g. e-mail, www, user pages, web hosting, name service, time service, use net);
  • system administration (e.g. data storage, error analyses, network connection);
  • operation and maintenance of the network infrastructure;
  • training.

The services provided by ZEDAT may, in general, be used by all members of the Free University of Berlin (students, university professors, employees) as well as guests.

N.B.: For further information regarding the central institution for data processing and the services offered, please launch: www.zedat.fu-berlin.de



The electronic administration and services department is, among other things, responsible for supplying and operating the central systems for the university's administration, in particular for personnel and budgetary systems as well as student management.  Furthermore, it initiates and executes comprehensive projects of strategic relevance and provides advice services to the head of university and the central university administration with regard to all matters relating to IT deployment.

Task areas include, e.g.,

  • cross-section functions of IT security;
  • co-determination matters in the IT department;
  • IT Controlling;
  • support and operation of the central human resources systems (SAP HR);
  • support and operation of the central budgetary systems (SAP FI / CO);
  • support and operation of the central student management systems (HIS SOS);
  • support and operation of the central course management systems (SAP Campus Management).


University Library (Universitätsbibliothek; "UB")

The University Library administers a central pool of books and other media at a cross-departmental level.  Apart from the conventional lending of books, the library also offers and operates electronic research, order and lending systems. 

Services are, e.g.,

  • providing access to internet and database research;
  • electronic magazines;
  • access options to electronic resources.

N.B.: For further information on the university library and the services offered by the library, please launch: www.ub.fu-berlin.de



The core business of the centre for Digital Systems (CeDiS) consists in particular of coordination and service activities, such as the deployment and promotion of technology-based, multi-media systems for education, further and advanced training, as well as the conception and supply of systems to support public administrations (eGovernment).

Its tasks are, e.g.,

  • eLearning  (e.g. planning and supplying the infrastructure by deploying Content Management Systems and  Learning Management Systems, advice on, and support of, eLearning projects, training, solicitation of third-party funds);
  • observing and analysing developments in the education sector;
  • providing capacities for the presentation of research and teaching on the world wide web.

N.B.: For further information regarding the centre for digital systems and the services offered, please launch: www.cedis.fu-berlin.de