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European Commission

Horizon Europe

  • Information on research data management and open science practices must be included in the proposal.
  • A data management plan must be submitted within six months after the start of the project; A DMP can be therefore planned as a deliverable of one work package.
  • Research outputs should be managed in line with FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
  • If possible, research data should be published in a suitable open access repository (principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”).
  • Costs for the open access publication of data are eligible for funding.
Further documents and relevant links:
  • Model Grant Agreement (PDF) (version 1.2, April 4, 2024) provides current requirements for research data management, p. 93.
  • Programme Guide (PDF) (version 4.0., Octorber 15, 2023) includes detailed guide on how to prepare a proposal, description of open science practices (including research data management) and useful resources, p. 40–56.
  • Annotated Model Grant Agreement (PDF) (version 1.0, May 1, 2023), Section 7 addresses key requirements (creating a data management plan, publishing the data in a suitable repository, validation, metadata) and how they are met, p. 375–378.
  • Example Application Form (PDF) (version 8.0, April 4, 2024), Section 1.2 Methodology is particularly relevant (Part B – page 9 of 23); max. one page of the proposal should address research data management.
  • Data Management Plan Template (DOCX) (version 1.1, April 4, 2022).
  • Webseite OpenAIRE[1] Guide RDM in Horizon Europe Proposals (last updated: June 13, 2022) lists which information is mandatory on proposals and which additional information is recommended.

[1] OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is a pan-European infrastructure for promoting open scientific publishing (https://www.openaire.eu/)

European Research Council (ERC)

  • The Horizon Europe requirements outlined above also apply to ERC grants.
Further documents and relevant links: