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Good Research Practice

In order to acquire sound scientific knowledge and ensure public trust in academia and its representatives, it is vital that certain rules surrounding good research practice are upheld. Due to its core values, “veritas, iustitia, libertas,” Freie Universität Berlin considers itself particularly committed to upholding scientific integrity and actively works toward preventing scientific misconduct and raising awareness of the issue across all departments and career levels.

Freie Universität’s Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (GWP-Satzung), passed in February 2024, is based on the DFG Code of Conduct for Good Research Practice and commits all members of Freie Universität to comply with the principles and rules of good research practice. Freie Universität has created a series of advisory and support structures for ensuring that these rules are implemented. These structures are constantly being assessed and developed further. Researchers receive support in complying with good research practice through training courses, advisory services, and – where necessary – investigations into specific cases, thus contributing toward the prevention of scientific misconduct.

More comprehensive information on the topic of good research practice can be found on the website of The German Research Ombudsman.