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Central marketplace of Freie Universität Berlin for the reuse and sale of used furniture, equipment, and other items.

Looking for a cupboard, a desk lamp, or a folder for your files? On this platform, usable furniture, equipment, and other items at Freie Universität Berlin are on offer for those affiliated with the university. Some are free, and others are very cheap. There are also offers for swapping or sharing items. With this platform, the Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management wants to avoid the costly disposal of items that are still usable. In the spirit of sustainability, we hope that many still functional and beautiful things will find new users.

If you have something you want to post on the platform, you can inform us via the contact form. The FUndgrube platform is also available if you want to put up an ad or swap something as well as advertising items or equipment you are willing to share with others.

FUndgrube works closely with the furniture warehouse, which also opens up no-longer-needed furniture for use by university members.

All items are only described in German (see below).