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Many institutes, research centers, and working groups as well as numerous scientists at Freie Universität are engaged in investigating and resolving future global issues. In 2017, 30% of all research projects were related to sustainability. While a complete description of all actors and activities exceeds the bounds of this report, the research contexts and projects presented below demonstrate the spectrum of sustainability-oriented research.

Sustainability-related research projects at a glance

Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Earth Sciences

Department of Education and Psychology

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

School of Business and Economics

Department of History and Cultural Studies

Department of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Physics

Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Department of Law

Institute for Latin American Studies

Margherita von Brentano Center

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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